a webcam with a 5 second, 30 minute, or 24 hour delay
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run it with python3 after `pipenv install opencv-python`
this progrram opens a fullscreen window showing a feed from camera 0 with a delay.
it will collect a lot of video files in the videos/ folder, and use them for showing a long (multiple minutes) delay
it also holds ontoo a buffer of a couple hundred frames to show shorter delays (like 5 oor 30 seconds)
it doesn't currently do anything to handle missing files, but it would be nice to give it a "default" swirly portal looking video to show
hopefully this'll run on a raspberry pi in the desert.
sudo apt install libfdk-aac2 libfdk-aac-dev python3-opencv
sudo apt install obs-studio # optional for testing?
sudo apt install python3-pipenv
pipenv lock # ?
pipenv install
pipenv run python3 webcam.py
add the following to ~/.config/wayfire.ini to make it autorun at startup
pipenv = cd /home/pi/mirror-to-yesterday; pipenv run python3 webcam.py
screensaver = false
dpms = false
maybe take security steps? disable keyboards? how are we gonna secure this?