commit 17f6d061d2850dd09265e67d9adc4eb427f9f31f Author: shoofle Date: Sat Oct 26 10:31:17 2024 -0400 initial commit with basic stuff diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3bb7550 Binary files /dev/null and b/.DS_Store differ diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ad74f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitattributes @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# Normalize EOL for all files that Git considers text files. +* text=auto eol=lf diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4709183 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# Godot 4+ specific ignores +.godot/ diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66ebe58 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!python3 + +import \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/icon.svg b/icon.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b370ceb --- /dev/null +++ b/icon.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/icon.svg.import b/icon.svg.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42dfdf8 --- /dev/null +++ b/icon.svg.import @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="CompressedTexture2D" +uid="uid://cquqmx6koiw0e" +path="res://.godot/imported/icon.svg-218a8f2b3041327d8a5756f3a245f83b.ctex" +metadata={ +"vram_texture": false +} + +[deps] + +source_file="res://icon.svg" +dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/icon.svg-218a8f2b3041327d8a5756f3a245f83b.ctex"] + +[params] + +compress/mode=0 +compress/high_quality=false +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_compression=1 +compress/normal_map=0 +compress/channel_pack=0 +mipmaps/generate=false +mipmaps/limit=-1 +roughness/mode=0 +roughness/src_normal="" +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +process/hdr_as_srgb=false +process/hdr_clamp_exposure=false +process/size_limit=0 +detect_3d/compress_to=1 +svg/scale=1.0 +editor/scale_with_editor_scale=false +editor/convert_colors_with_editor_theme=false diff --git a/project.godot b/project.godot new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a6c0c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/project.godot @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +; Engine configuration file. +; It's best edited using the editor UI and not directly, +; since the parameters that go here are not all obvious. +; +; Format: +; [section] ; section goes between [] +; param=value ; assign values to parameters + +config_version=5 + +[application] + +config/name="Wand of Change Your Gender" +run/main_scene="res://scenes/testing_ground.tscn" +config/features=PackedStringArray("4.3", "GL Compatibility") +config/icon="res://icon.svg" + +[display] + +window/size/viewport_width=2304 +window/size/viewport_height=1296 +window/size/mode=3 +window/size/resizable=false +window/stretch/mode="viewport" +window/stretch/scale=4.0 + +[input] + +jump={ +"deadzone": 0.5, +"events": [Object(InputEventKey,"resource_local_to_scene":false,"resource_name":"","device":0,"window_id":0,"alt_pressed":false,"shift_pressed":false,"ctrl_pressed":false,"meta_pressed":false,"pressed":false,"keycode":0,"physical_keycode":32,"key_label":0,"unicode":0,"location":0,"echo":false,"script":null) +] +} +gend={ +"deadzone": 0.5, +"events": [Object(InputEventKey,"resource_local_to_scene":false,"resource_name":"","device":0,"window_id":0,"alt_pressed":false,"shift_pressed":false,"ctrl_pressed":false,"meta_pressed":false,"pressed":false,"keycode":0,"physical_keycode":65,"key_label":0,"unicode":0,"location":0,"echo":false,"script":null) +] +} + +[rendering] + +renderer/rendering_method="gl_compatibility" +renderer/"gl_compatibility" +2d/snap/snap_2d_transforms_to_pixel=true diff --git a/scenes/ b/scenes/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae975b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/scenes/ @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +extends TileMapLayer + + +# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. +func _ready() -> void: + pass # Replace with function body. + +# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. +func _process(_delta: float) -> void: + pass + + +func _on_main_character_gender_changed(new_gender: String) -> void: + for coord in get_used_cells(): + var tile_data = get_cell_tile_data(coord) + if not tile_data: + continue + var tile_type = tile_data.get_custom_data("gender") + var arr = tile_type.split(".") + if arr.size() != 3: + continue + var tile_gender = arr[0] + var tile_party = arr[1] + var tile_on = arr[2] + var atlas_coords = get_cell_atlas_coords(coord) + if new_gender == "female": + if tile_gender == "girl" and tile_on == "off": + if tile_party == "pillow": + atlas_coords.y -= 4 + 4 + 4 + set_cell(coord, 6, atlas_coords) + if tile_party == "disco": + atlas_coords.y -= 4 + set_cell(coord, 6, atlas_coords) + if tile_gender == "boy" and tile_on == "on": + if tile_party == "pillow": + atlas_coords.y += 4 + set_cell(coord, 6, atlas_coords) + if tile_party == "disco": + atlas_coords.y += 4 + set_cell(coord, 6, atlas_coords) + if new_gender == "male": + if tile_gender == "girl" and tile_on == "on": + if tile_party == "pillow": + atlas_coords.y += 4 + 4 + 4 + set_cell(coord, 6, atlas_coords) + if tile_party == "disco": + atlas_coords.y += 4 + set_cell(coord, 6, atlas_coords) + if tile_gender == "boy" and tile_on == "off": + if tile_party == "pillow": + atlas_coords.y -= 4 + set_cell(coord, 6, atlas_coords) + if tile_party == "disco": + atlas_coords.y -= 4 + set_cell(coord, 6, atlas_coords) + + var female_active_cells = get_used_cells_by_id(-1, Vector2i(0,0)) + var female_inactive_cells = get_used_cells_by_id(-1, Vector2i(0,3)) + var male_active_cells = get_used_cells_by_id(-1, Vector2i(0,1)) + var male_inactive_cells = get_used_cells_by_id(-1, Vector2i(0,4)) + if new_gender == "female": + for coord in female_inactive_cells: set_cell(coord, 2, Vector2i(0,0)) + for coord in male_active_cells: set_cell(coord, 2, Vector2i(0,4)) + if new_gender == "male": + for coord in female_active_cells: set_cell(coord, 2, Vector2i(0,3)) + for coord in male_inactive_cells: set_cell(coord, 2, Vector2i(0,1)) + diff --git a/scenes/ b/scenes/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..521d806 --- /dev/null +++ b/scenes/ @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +extends CharacterBody2D + +const SPEED = 300.0 +const JUMP_VELOCITY = -500.0 +@export var runMaxSpeed: float = 200.0 +@export var runAccelerationTime: float = 0.3 +@export var runDeceleration: float = 30 + + +@export var jumpCount: int = 2 +var jumps = jumpCount +@export var jumpControlTime: float = 0.2 +@export var jumpShortHopSpeed: float = 200 +@export var jumpLongHopSpeed: float = 300 +var jumping: bool = false +var jumpTimer: float = 0.0 +var facing = true + +var previous_velocity: Vector2 + +const GENDERS = ["female", "male"] +var hair = [load("res://spritesheets/maincharacter/Hair/hair-1.png"), + load("res://spritesheets/maincharacter/Hair/hair-2.png")] +var hips = [load("res://spritesheets/maincharacter/Hipses/hips-1.png"), + load("res://spritesheets/maincharacter/Hipses/hips-2.png")] +var tits = [load("res://spritesheets/maincharacter/Titses/tits-1.png"), + load("res://spritesheets/maincharacter/Titses/tits-2.png")] + +var current_gender="female" + +var jumping_up = false +var jumping_down = false +var transforming = false + +signal gender_changed(new_gender: String) + +func _ready(): + gender_changed.emit(current_gender) + + +func _input(event: InputEvent): + if event.is_action_pressed("gend"): + cycle_gender() + previous_velocity = velocity + + +func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void: + # inputs and motion! + var pressDirection = Input.get_axis("ui_left", "ui_right") + + var runAcceleration = runMaxSpeed / runAccelerationTime + if pressDirection != 0: + # we're trying to walk left or right + if velocity.x * pressDirection < runMaxSpeed: + velocity.x += pressDirection * runAcceleration * delta + if velocity.x * pressDirection > runMaxSpeed: + velocity.x -= pressDirection * runDeceleration * delta + else: + # we're not walking and so we should decelerate + if velocity.x > 0: + velocity.x -= runDeceleration + if velocity.x < 0: velocity.x = 0 + if velocity.x < 0: + velocity.x += runDeceleration + if velocity.x > 0: velocity.x = 0 + + if is_on_floor(): jumps = jumpCount + + var jumpAccel = (jumpLongHopSpeed - jumpShortHopSpeed) / jumpControlTime + if Input.is_action_pressed("jump") and not jumping and jumps > 0: + jumping = true + velocity.y = -jumpShortHopSpeed + jumps -= 1 + if jumping and Input.is_action_pressed("jump") and jumpTimer < jumpControlTime: + jumpTimer += delta + velocity.y -= jumpAccel * delta + if jumping and not Input.is_action_pressed("jump"): + jumping = false + jumpTimer = 0 + + + # Add the gravity. + if not is_on_floor(): + velocity += get_gravity() * delta + + if transforming: + if not $AnimationPlayer.is_playing(): + transforming = false + velocity = previous_velocity + else: + velocity.x = 0 + velocity.y = 0 + if not transforming: + move_and_slide() + + var oldfacing = facing + if velocity.x > 0: + facing = true + if velocity.x < 0: + facing = false + if not oldfacing == facing: + scale.x = -1 + if is_on_floor() and not transforming: + if abs(velocity.x) > 0.1: + $"run") + else: + $"idle") + + if velocity.y > 0.1 and not jumping_down: + jumping_down = true + jumping_up = false + $"jumpDown") + if velocity.y < -0.1 and not jumping_up: + jumping_up = true + jumping_down = false + $"jumpUp") + + if abs(velocity.y) < 0.1: + jumping_up = false + jumping_down = false + + +func cycle_gender(): + var index = GENDERS.find(current_gender) + index = (index + 1) % GENDERS.size() + current_gender = GENDERS[index] + + $hair_layer.texture = hair[index] + $hips_layer.texture = hips[index] + $tits_layer.texture = tits[index] + + gender_changed.emit(current_gender) + + $"transformation") + transforming = true diff --git a/scenes/maincharacter.tscn b/scenes/maincharacter.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..230c724 --- /dev/null +++ b/scenes/maincharacter.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,465 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=15 format=3 uid="uid://dte5pdyvq63sg"] + +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scenes/" id="1_87pd6"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bancmfke5vf01" path="res://spritesheets/maincharacter/Body/body.png" id="2_p6bh7"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://vm1f6og4l2lr" path="res://spritesheets/maincharacter/Hair/hair-1.png" id="3_q0hhj"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bkr4k0ke27s0r" path="res://spritesheets/maincharacter/Hipses/hips-1.png" id="4_c4iuh"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cifb53suafydq" path="res://spritesheets/maincharacter/Titses/tits-1.png" id="5_rx8vo"] + +[sub_resource type="CapsuleShape2D" id="CapsuleShape2D_ex4xn"] +height = 26.0 + +[sub_resource type="Animation" id="Animation_334bj"] +length = 0.001 +tracks/0/type = "value" +tracks/0/imported = false +tracks/0/enabled = true +tracks/0/path = NodePath("base_layer:frame") +tracks/0/interp = 1 +tracks/0/loop_wrap = true +tracks/0/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1), +"update": 1, +"values": [0] +} +tracks/1/type = "value" +tracks/1/imported = false +tracks/1/enabled = true +tracks/1/path = NodePath("hair_layer:frame") +tracks/1/interp = 1 +tracks/1/loop_wrap = true +tracks/1/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1), +"update": 1, +"values": [0] +} +tracks/2/type = "value" +tracks/2/imported = false +tracks/2/enabled = true +tracks/2/path = NodePath("hips_layer:frame") +tracks/2/interp = 1 +tracks/2/loop_wrap = true +tracks/2/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1), +"update": 1, +"values": [0] +} +tracks/3/type = "value" +tracks/3/imported = false +tracks/3/enabled = true +tracks/3/path = NodePath("tits_layer:frame") +tracks/3/interp = 1 +tracks/3/loop_wrap = true +tracks/3/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1), +"update": 1, +"values": [0] +} +tracks/4/type = "value" +tracks/4/imported = false +tracks/4/enabled = true +tracks/4/path = NodePath("hair_layer:visible") +tracks/4/interp = 1 +tracks/4/loop_wrap = true +tracks/4/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1), +"update": 1, +"values": [true] +} +tracks/5/type = "value" +tracks/5/imported = false +tracks/5/enabled = true +tracks/5/path = NodePath("hips_layer:visible") +tracks/5/interp = 1 +tracks/5/loop_wrap = true +tracks/5/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1), +"update": 1, +"values": [true] +} +tracks/6/type = "value" +tracks/6/imported = false +tracks/6/enabled = true +tracks/6/path = NodePath("tits_layer:visible") +tracks/6/interp = 1 +tracks/6/loop_wrap = true +tracks/6/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1), +"update": 1, +"values": [true] +} + +[sub_resource type="Animation" id="Animation_rscy8"] +resource_name = "idle" +loop_mode = 1 +step = 0.1 +tracks/0/type = "value" +tracks/0/imported = false +tracks/0/enabled = true +tracks/0/path = NodePath("base_layer:frame") +tracks/0/interp = 1 +tracks/0/loop_wrap = true +tracks/0/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] +} +tracks/1/type = "value" +tracks/1/imported = false +tracks/1/enabled = true +tracks/1/path = NodePath("hair_layer:frame") +tracks/1/interp = 1 +tracks/1/loop_wrap = true +tracks/1/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] +} +tracks/2/type = "value" +tracks/2/imported = false +tracks/2/enabled = true +tracks/2/path = NodePath("hips_layer:frame") +tracks/2/interp = 1 +tracks/2/loop_wrap = true +tracks/2/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] +} +tracks/3/type = "value" +tracks/3/imported = false +tracks/3/enabled = true +tracks/3/path = NodePath("tits_layer:frame") +tracks/3/interp = 1 +tracks/3/loop_wrap = true +tracks/3/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] +} + +[sub_resource type="Animation" id="Animation_y0wch"] +resource_name = "run" +length = 0.8 +loop_mode = 1 +step = 0.1 +tracks/0/type = "value" +tracks/0/imported = false +tracks/0/enabled = true +tracks/0/path = NodePath("base_layer:frame") +tracks/0/interp = 1 +tracks/0/loop_wrap = true +tracks/0/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] +} +tracks/1/type = "value" +tracks/1/imported = false +tracks/1/enabled = true +tracks/1/path = NodePath("hair_layer:frame") +tracks/1/interp = 1 +tracks/1/loop_wrap = true +tracks/1/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] +} +tracks/2/type = "value" +tracks/2/imported = false +tracks/2/enabled = true +tracks/2/path = NodePath("hips_layer:frame") +tracks/2/interp = 1 +tracks/2/loop_wrap = true +tracks/2/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] +} +tracks/3/type = "value" +tracks/3/imported = false +tracks/3/enabled = true +tracks/3/path = NodePath("tits_layer:frame") +tracks/3/interp = 1 +tracks/3/loop_wrap = true +tracks/3/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] +} + +[sub_resource type="Animation" id="Animation_abn86"] +resource_name = "jumpUp" +length = 0.3 +step = 0.1 +tracks/0/type = "value" +tracks/0/imported = false +tracks/0/enabled = true +tracks/0/path = NodePath("base_layer:frame") +tracks/0/interp = 1 +tracks/0/loop_wrap = true +tracks/0/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [18, 19, 20] +} +tracks/1/type = "value" +tracks/1/imported = false +tracks/1/enabled = true +tracks/1/path = NodePath("hair_layer:frame") +tracks/1/interp = 1 +tracks/1/loop_wrap = true +tracks/1/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [18, 19, 20] +} +tracks/2/type = "value" +tracks/2/imported = false +tracks/2/enabled = true +tracks/2/path = NodePath("hips_layer:frame") +tracks/2/interp = 1 +tracks/2/loop_wrap = true +tracks/2/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [18, 19, 20] +} +tracks/3/type = "value" +tracks/3/imported = false +tracks/3/enabled = true +tracks/3/path = NodePath("tits_layer:frame") +tracks/3/interp = 1 +tracks/3/loop_wrap = true +tracks/3/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [19, 20, 21] +} + +[sub_resource type="Animation" id="Animation_fd57q"] +resource_name = "jumpDown" +length = 0.3 +step = 0.1 +tracks/0/type = "value" +tracks/0/imported = false +tracks/0/enabled = true +tracks/0/path = NodePath("base_layer:frame") +tracks/0/interp = 1 +tracks/0/loop_wrap = true +tracks/0/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [21, 22, 23] +} +tracks/1/type = "value" +tracks/1/imported = false +tracks/1/enabled = true +tracks/1/path = NodePath("hair_layer:frame") +tracks/1/interp = 1 +tracks/1/loop_wrap = true +tracks/1/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [21, 22, 23] +} +tracks/2/type = "value" +tracks/2/imported = false +tracks/2/enabled = true +tracks/2/path = NodePath("hips_layer:frame") +tracks/2/interp = 1 +tracks/2/loop_wrap = true +tracks/2/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [21, 22, 23] +} +tracks/3/type = "value" +tracks/3/imported = false +tracks/3/enabled = true +tracks/3/path = NodePath("tits_layer:frame") +tracks/3/interp = 1 +tracks/3/loop_wrap = true +tracks/3/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [21, 22, 23] +} + +[sub_resource type="Animation" id="Animation_ojynw"] +resource_name = "wallSlide" +length = 0.6 +step = 0.1 +tracks/0/type = "value" +tracks/0/imported = false +tracks/0/enabled = true +tracks/0/path = NodePath("base_layer:frame") +tracks/0/interp = 1 +tracks/0/loop_wrap = true +tracks/0/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29] +} +tracks/1/type = "value" +tracks/1/imported = false +tracks/1/enabled = true +tracks/1/path = NodePath("hair_layer:frame") +tracks/1/interp = 1 +tracks/1/loop_wrap = true +tracks/1/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29] +} +tracks/2/type = "value" +tracks/2/imported = false +tracks/2/enabled = true +tracks/2/path = NodePath("hips_layer:frame") +tracks/2/interp = 1 +tracks/2/loop_wrap = true +tracks/2/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29] +} +tracks/3/type = "value" +tracks/3/imported = false +tracks/3/enabled = true +tracks/3/path = NodePath("tits_layer:frame") +tracks/3/interp = 1 +tracks/3/loop_wrap = true +tracks/3/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), +"update": 1, +"values": [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29] +} + +[sub_resource type="Animation" id="Animation_jkva4"] +resource_name = "transformation" +length = 0.6 +step = 0.1 +tracks/0/type = "value" +tracks/0/imported = false +tracks/0/enabled = true +tracks/0/path = NodePath("hair_layer:visible") +tracks/0/interp = 1 +tracks/0/loop_wrap = true +tracks/0/keys = { +"times": PackedFloat32Array(0, 0.6), +"transitions": PackedFloat32Array(1, 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+0:1/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 0.03125, -8, -0.09375, -0.0625, -8, 0.25) +0:1/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_1/points = PackedVector2Array(-0.03125, 8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, 8) +0:1/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 0 +0:1/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 0 +0:1/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.disco.on" +1:1/animation_columns = 4 +1:1/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +1:1/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:1/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +1:1/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +1:1/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +1:1/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +1:1/0 = 0 +1:1/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:1/0/probability = 0.5 +1:1/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, 8, 8, -8, -0.09375, -8, -0.03125, -0.0625, -8, 0, -8, 8) +1:1/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 0 +1:1/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 0 +1:1/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 0 +1:1/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.disco.on" +2:1/animation_columns = 4 +2:1/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +2:1/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:1/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +2:1/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +2:1/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +2:1/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +2:1/0 = 0 +2:1/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:1/0/terrain = 0 +2:1/0/probability = 0.5 +2:1/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +2:1/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 0 +2:1/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 0 +2:1/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 0 +2:1/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 0 +2:1/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.disco.on" +3:1/animation_columns = 4 +3:1/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +3:1/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:1/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +3:1/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +3:1/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +3:1/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +3:1/0 = 0 +3:1/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:1/0/probability = 0.5 +3:1/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 0.0625, -0.03125, -0.0625, 0.03125, 8, -8, 8) +3:1/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 0 +3:1/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 0 +3:1/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 0 +3:1/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.disco.on" +0:2/animation_columns = 4 +0:2/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +0:2/animation_speed = 2.083 +0:2/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +0:2/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +0:2/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +0:2/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +0:2/0 = 0 +0:2/0/terrain_set = 0 +0:2/0/probability = 0.5 +0:2/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-0.03125, -8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, -8) +0:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 0 +0:2/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.disco.on" +1:2/animation_columns = 4 +1:2/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +1:2/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:2/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +1:2/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +1:2/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +1:2/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +1:2/0 = 0 +1:2/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:2/0/probability = 0.5 +1:2/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, -0.0625, -8, 0.0625) +1:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 0 +1:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 0 +1:2/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.disco.on" +2:2/animation_columns = 4 +2:2/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +2:2/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:2/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +2:2/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +2:2/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +2:2/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +2:2/0 = 0 +2:2/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:2/0/probability = 0.5 +2:2/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, -8, -8, -8, -8, 0.0625, -0.03125, -0.0625, -0.09375, 8, 8, 8) +2:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 0 +2:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 0 +2:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 0 +2:2/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.disco.on" +3:2/animation_columns = 4 +3:2/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +3:2/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:2/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +3:2/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +3:2/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +3:2/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +3:2/0 = 0 +3:2/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:2/0/probability = 0.5 +3:2/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, -0.15625, -8, -0.03125, 8, -8, 8) +3:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 0 +3:2/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 0 +3:2/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.disco.on" +1:3/animation_columns = 4 +1:3/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +1:3/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:3/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +1:3/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +1:3/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +1:3/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +1:3/0 = 0 +1:3/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:3/0/probability = 0.5 +1:3/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(0.09375, 8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, 8) +1:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 0 +1:3/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.disco.on" +2:3/animation_columns = 4 +2:3/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +2:3/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:3/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +2:3/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +2:3/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +2:3/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +2:3/0 = 0 +2:3/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:3/0/probability = 0.5 +2:3/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 8, -0.09375, 8, -0.09375, -0.0625, -8, 0.0625) +2:3/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_1/points = PackedVector2Array(-0.03125, -8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, -8) +2:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 0 +2:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 0 +2:3/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.disco.on" +3:3/animation_columns = 4 +3:3/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +3:3/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:3/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +3:3/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +3:3/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +3:3/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +3:3/0 = 0 +3:3/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:3/0/probability = 0.5 +3:3/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 0.0625, -8, -8, -0.09375, -8, 0.09375, 0.0625) +3:3/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 0 +3:3/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.disco.on" +0:4/animation_speed = 2.083 +0:4/0 = 0 +0:4/0/custom_data_0 = "" +1:4/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:4/0 = 0 +1:4/0/custom_data_0 = "" +2:4/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:4/0 = 0 +2:4/0/custom_data_0 = "" +3:4/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:4/0 = 0 +3:4/0/custom_data_0 = "" +0:5/animation_speed = 2.083 +0:5/0 = 0 +0:5/0/custom_data_0 = "" +1:5/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:5/0 = 0 +1:5/0/custom_data_0 = "" +2:5/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:5/0 = 0 +2:5/0/custom_data_0 = "" +3:5/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:5/0 = 0 +3:5/0/custom_data_0 = "" +0:6/animation_speed = 2.083 +0:6/0 = 0 +0:6/0/custom_data_0 = "" +1:6/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:6/0 = 0 +1:6/0/custom_data_0 = "" +2:6/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:6/0 = 0 +2:6/0/custom_data_0 = "" +3:6/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:6/0 = 0 +3:6/0/custom_data_0 = "" +1:7/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:7/0 = 0 +1:7/0/custom_data_0 = "" +2:7/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:7/0 = 0 +2:7/0/custom_data_0 = "" +3:7/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:7/0 = 0 +3:7/0/custom_data_0 = "" +0:8/animation_columns = 4 +0:8/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +0:8/animation_speed = 2.083 +0:8/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +0:8/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +0:8/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +0:8/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +0:8/0 = 0 +0:8/0/terrain_set = 0 +0:8/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 0, 0.03125, -0.0625, -0.03125, 8, -8, 8) +0:8/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 1 +0:8/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.disco.on" +1:8/animation_columns = 4 +1:8/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +1:8/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:8/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +1:8/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +1:8/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +1:8/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +1:8/0 = 0 +1:8/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:8/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, -8, -0.15625, -8, -0.03125, 8, 8, 8) +1:8/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 1 +1:8/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 1 +1:8/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.disco.on" +2:8/animation_columns = 4 +2:8/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +2:8/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:8/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +2:8/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +2:8/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +2:8/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +2:8/0 = 0 +2:8/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:8/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 8, -8, -8, -0.09375, -8, -0.03125, -0.0625, 8, 0, 8, 8) +2:8/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 1 +2:8/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 1 +2:8/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 1 +2:8/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.disco.on" +3:8/animation_columns = 4 +3:8/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +3:8/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:8/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +3:8/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +3:8/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +3:8/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +3:8/0 = 0 +3:8/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:8/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, -0.0625, -8, 0.0625, -8, 8, 8, 8) +3:8/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 1 +3:8/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 1 +3:8/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.disco.on" +0:9/animation_columns = 4 +0:9/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +0:9/animation_speed = 2.083 +0:9/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +0:9/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +0:9/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +0:9/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +0:9/0 = 0 +0:9/0/terrain_set = 0 +0:9/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 0.03125, -8, -0.09375, -0.0625, -8, 0.25) +0:9/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_1/points = PackedVector2Array(-0.03125, 8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, 8) +0:9/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 1 +0:9/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 1 +0:9/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.disco.on" +1:9/animation_columns = 4 +1:9/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +1:9/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:9/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +1:9/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +1:9/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +1:9/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +1:9/0 = 0 +1:9/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:9/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, 8, 8, -8, -0.09375, -8, -0.03125, -0.0625, -8, 0, -8, 8) +1:9/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 1 +1:9/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 1 +1:9/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 1 +1:9/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.disco.on" +2:9/animation_columns = 4 +2:9/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +2:9/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:9/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +2:9/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +2:9/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +2:9/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +2:9/0 = 0 +2:9/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:9/0/terrain = 1 +2:9/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +2:9/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 1 +2:9/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 1 +2:9/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 1 +2:9/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 1 +2:9/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.disco.on" +3:9/animation_columns = 4 +3:9/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +3:9/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:9/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +3:9/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +3:9/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +3:9/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +3:9/0 = 0 +3:9/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:9/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 0.0625, -0.03125, -0.0625, 0.03125, 8, -8, 8) +3:9/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 1 +3:9/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 1 +3:9/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 1 +3:9/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.disco.on" +0:10/animation_columns = 4 +0:10/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +0:10/animation_speed = 2.083 +0:10/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +0:10/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +0:10/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +0:10/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +0:10/0 = 0 +0:10/0/terrain_set = 0 +0:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-0.03125, -8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, -8) +0:10/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 1 +0:10/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.disco.on" +1:10/animation_columns = 4 +1:10/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +1:10/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:10/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +1:10/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +1:10/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +1:10/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +1:10/0 = 0 +1:10/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, -0.0625, -8, 0.0625) +1:10/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 1 +1:10/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 1 +1:10/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.disco.on" +2:10/animation_columns = 4 +2:10/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +2:10/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:10/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +2:10/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +2:10/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +2:10/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +2:10/0 = 0 +2:10/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, -8, -8, -8, -8, 0.0625, -0.03125, -0.0625, -0.09375, 8, 8, 8) +2:10/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 1 +2:10/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 1 +2:10/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 1 +2:10/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.disco.on" +3:10/animation_columns = 4 +3:10/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +3:10/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:10/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +3:10/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +3:10/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +3:10/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +3:10/0 = 0 +3:10/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:10/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, -0.15625, -8, -0.03125, 8, -8, 8) +3:10/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 1 +3:10/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 1 +3:10/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.disco.on" +1:11/animation_columns = 4 +1:11/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +1:11/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:11/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +1:11/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +1:11/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +1:11/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +1:11/0 = 0 +1:11/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(0.09375, 8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, 8) +1:11/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 1 +1:11/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.disco.on" +2:11/animation_columns = 4 +2:11/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +2:11/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:11/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +2:11/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +2:11/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +2:11/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +2:11/0 = 0 +2:11/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 8, -0.09375, 8, -0.09375, -0.0625, -8, 0.0625) +2:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_1/points = PackedVector2Array(-0.03125, -8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, -8) +2:11/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 1 +2:11/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 1 +2:11/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.disco.on" +3:11/animation_columns = 4 +3:11/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +3:11/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:11/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +3:11/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +3:11/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +3:11/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +3:11/0 = 0 +3:11/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:11/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 0.0625, -8, -8, -0.09375, -8, 0.09375, 0.0625) +3:11/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 1 +3:11/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.disco.on" +0:12/animation_speed = 2.083 +0:12/0 = 0 +0:12/0/custom_data_0 = "" +1:12/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:12/0 = 0 +1:12/0/custom_data_0 = "" +2:12/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:12/0 = 0 +2:12/0/custom_data_0 = "" +3:12/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:12/0 = 0 +3:12/0/custom_data_0 = "" +0:13/animation_speed = 2.083 +0:13/0 = 0 +0:13/0/custom_data_0 = "" +1:13/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:13/0 = 0 +1:13/0/custom_data_0 = "" +2:13/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:13/0 = 0 +2:13/0/custom_data_0 = "" +3:13/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:13/0 = 0 +3:13/0/custom_data_0 = "" +0:14/animation_speed = 2.083 +0:14/0 = 0 +0:14/0/custom_data_0 = "" +1:14/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:14/0 = 0 +1:14/0/custom_data_0 = "" +2:14/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:14/0 = 0 +2:14/0/custom_data_0 = "" +3:14/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:14/0 = 0 +3:14/0/custom_data_0 = "" +1:15/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:15/0 = 0 +1:15/0/custom_data_0 = "" +2:15/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:15/0 = 0 +2:15/0/custom_data_0 = "" +3:15/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:15/0 = 0 +3:15/0/custom_data_0 = "" +0:16/animation_columns = 4 +0:16/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +0:16/animation_speed = 2.083 +0:16/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +0:16/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +0:16/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +0:16/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +0:16/0 = 0 +0:16/0/terrain_set = 0 +0:16/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 0, 0.03125, -0.0625, -0.03125, 8, -8, 8) +0:16/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 2 +1:16/animation_columns = 4 +1:16/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +1:16/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:16/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +1:16/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +1:16/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +1:16/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +1:16/0 = 0 +1:16/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:16/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, -8, -0.15625, -8, -0.03125, 8, 8, 8) +1:16/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 2 +1:16/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 2 +2:16/animation_columns = 4 +2:16/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +2:16/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:16/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +2:16/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +2:16/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +2:16/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +2:16/0 = 0 +2:16/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:16/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 8, -8, -8, -0.09375, -8, -0.03125, -0.0625, 8, 0, 8, 8) +2:16/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 2 +2:16/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 2 +2:16/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 2 +3:16/animation_columns = 4 +3:16/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +3:16/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:16/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +3:16/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +3:16/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +3:16/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +3:16/0 = 0 +3:16/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:16/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, -0.0625, -8, 0.0625, -8, 8, 8, 8) +3:16/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 2 +3:16/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 2 +0:17/animation_columns = 4 +0:17/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +0:17/animation_speed = 2.083 +0:17/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +0:17/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +0:17/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +0:17/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +0:17/0 = 0 +0:17/0/terrain_set = 0 +0:17/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 0.03125, -8, -0.09375, -0.0625, -8, 0.25) +0:17/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_1/points = PackedVector2Array(-0.03125, 8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, 8) +0:17/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 2 +0:17/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 2 +1:17/animation_columns = 4 +1:17/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +1:17/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:17/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +1:17/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +1:17/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +1:17/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +1:17/0 = 0 +1:17/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:17/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, 8, 8, -8, -0.09375, -8, -0.03125, -0.0625, -8, 0, -8, 8) +1:17/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 2 +1:17/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 2 +1:17/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 2 +2:17/animation_columns = 4 +2:17/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +2:17/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:17/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +2:17/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +2:17/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +2:17/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +2:17/0 = 0 +2:17/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:17/0/terrain = 2 +2:17/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +2:17/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 2 +2:17/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 2 +2:17/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 2 +2:17/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 2 +3:17/animation_columns = 4 +3:17/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +3:17/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:17/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +3:17/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +3:17/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +3:17/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +3:17/0 = 0 +3:17/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:17/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 0.0625, -0.03125, -0.0625, 0.03125, 8, -8, 8) +3:17/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 2 +3:17/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 2 +3:17/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 2 +0:18/animation_columns = 4 +0:18/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +0:18/animation_speed = 2.083 +0:18/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +0:18/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +0:18/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +0:18/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +0:18/0 = 0 +0:18/0/terrain_set = 0 +0:18/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-0.03125, -8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, -8) +0:18/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 2 +1:18/animation_columns = 4 +1:18/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +1:18/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:18/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +1:18/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +1:18/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +1:18/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +1:18/0 = 0 +1:18/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:18/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, -0.0625, -8, 0.0625) +1:18/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 2 +1:18/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 2 +2:18/animation_columns = 4 +2:18/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +2:18/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:18/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +2:18/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +2:18/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +2:18/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +2:18/0 = 0 +2:18/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:18/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, -8, -8, -8, -8, 0.0625, -0.03125, -0.0625, -0.09375, 8, 8, 8) +2:18/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 2 +2:18/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 2 +2:18/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 2 +3:18/animation_columns = 4 +3:18/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +3:18/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:18/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +3:18/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +3:18/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +3:18/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +3:18/0 = 0 +3:18/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:18/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, -0.15625, -8, -0.03125, 8, -8, 8) +3:18/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 2 +3:18/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 2 +1:19/animation_columns = 4 +1:19/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +1:19/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:19/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +1:19/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +1:19/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +1:19/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +1:19/0 = 0 +1:19/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:19/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(0.09375, 8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, 8) +1:19/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 2 +2:19/animation_columns = 4 +2:19/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +2:19/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:19/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +2:19/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +2:19/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +2:19/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +2:19/0 = 0 +2:19/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:19/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 8, -0.09375, 8, -0.09375, -0.0625, -8, 0.0625) +2:19/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_1/points = PackedVector2Array(-0.03125, -8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, -8) +2:19/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 2 +2:19/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 2 +3:19/animation_columns = 4 +3:19/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +3:19/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:19/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +3:19/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +3:19/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +3:19/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +3:19/0 = 0 +3:19/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:19/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 0.0625, -8, -8, -0.09375, -8, 0.09375, 0.0625) +3:19/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 2 +0:20/animation_columns = 4 +0:20/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +0:20/animation_speed = 2.083 +0:20/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +0:20/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +0:20/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +0:20/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +0:20/0 = 0 +0:20/0/terrain_set = 0 +0:20/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 0, 0.03125, -0.0625, -0.03125, 8, -8, 8) +0:20/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 3 +1:20/animation_columns = 4 +1:20/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +1:20/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:20/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +1:20/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +1:20/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +1:20/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +1:20/0 = 0 +1:20/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:20/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, -8, -0.15625, -8, -0.03125, 8, 8, 8) +1:20/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 3 +1:20/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 3 +2:20/animation_columns = 4 +2:20/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +2:20/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:20/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +2:20/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +2:20/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +2:20/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +2:20/0 = 0 +2:20/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:20/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 8, -8, -8, -0.09375, -8, -0.03125, -0.0625, 8, 0, 8, 8) +2:20/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 3 +2:20/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 3 +2:20/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 3 +3:20/animation_columns = 4 +3:20/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +3:20/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:20/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +3:20/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +3:20/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +3:20/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +3:20/0 = 0 +3:20/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:20/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, -0.0625, -8, 0.0625, -8, 8, 8, 8) +3:20/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 3 +3:20/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 3 +0:21/animation_columns = 4 +0:21/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +0:21/animation_speed = 2.083 +0:21/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +0:21/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +0:21/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +0:21/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +0:21/0 = 0 +0:21/0/terrain_set = 0 +0:21/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 0.03125, -8, -0.09375, -0.0625, -8, 0.25) +0:21/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_1/points = PackedVector2Array(-0.03125, 8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, 8) +0:21/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 3 +0:21/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 3 +1:21/animation_columns = 4 +1:21/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +1:21/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:21/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +1:21/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +1:21/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +1:21/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +1:21/0 = 0 +1:21/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:21/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, 8, 8, -8, -0.09375, -8, -0.03125, -0.0625, -8, 0, -8, 8) +1:21/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 3 +1:21/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 3 +1:21/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 3 +2:21/animation_columns = 4 +2:21/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +2:21/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:21/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +2:21/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +2:21/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +2:21/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +2:21/0 = 0 +2:21/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:21/0/terrain = 3 +2:21/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +2:21/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 3 +2:21/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 3 +2:21/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 3 +2:21/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 3 +3:21/animation_columns = 4 +3:21/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +3:21/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:21/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +3:21/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +3:21/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +3:21/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +3:21/0 = 0 +3:21/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:21/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 0.0625, -0.03125, -0.0625, 0.03125, 8, -8, 8) +3:21/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 3 +3:21/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 3 +3:21/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 3 +0:22/animation_columns = 4 +0:22/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +0:22/animation_speed = 2.083 +0:22/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +0:22/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +0:22/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +0:22/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +0:22/0 = 0 +0:22/0/terrain_set = 0 +0:22/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-0.03125, -8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, -8) +0:22/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 3 +1:22/animation_columns = 4 +1:22/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +1:22/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:22/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +1:22/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +1:22/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +1:22/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +1:22/0 = 0 +1:22/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:22/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, -0.0625, -8, 0.0625) +1:22/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 3 +1:22/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 3 +2:22/animation_columns = 4 +2:22/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +2:22/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:22/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +2:22/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +2:22/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +2:22/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +2:22/0 = 0 +2:22/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:22/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, -8, -8, -8, -8, 0.0625, -0.03125, -0.0625, -0.09375, 8, 8, 8) +2:22/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 3 +2:22/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 3 +2:22/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 3 +3:22/animation_columns = 4 +3:22/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +3:22/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:22/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +3:22/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +3:22/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +3:22/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +3:22/0 = 0 +3:22/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:22/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, -0.15625, -8, -0.03125, 8, -8, 8) +3:22/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 3 +3:22/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 3 +1:23/animation_columns = 4 +1:23/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +1:23/animation_speed = 2.083 +1:23/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +1:23/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +1:23/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +1:23/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +1:23/0 = 0 +1:23/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:23/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(0.09375, 8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, 8) +1:23/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 3 +2:23/animation_columns = 4 +2:23/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +2:23/animation_speed = 2.083 +2:23/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +2:23/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +2:23/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +2:23/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +2:23/0 = 0 +2:23/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:23/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 8, -0.09375, 8, -0.09375, -0.0625, -8, 0.0625) +2:23/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_1/points = PackedVector2Array(-0.03125, -8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, -8) +2:23/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 3 +2:23/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 3 +3:23/animation_columns = 4 +3:23/animation_separation = Vector2i(3, 0) +3:23/animation_speed = 2.083 +3:23/animation_frame_0/duration = 1.0 +3:23/animation_frame_1/duration = 1.0 +3:23/animation_frame_2/duration = 1.0 +3:23/animation_frame_3/duration = 1.0 +3:23/0 = 0 +3:23/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:23/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 0.0625, -8, -8, -0.09375, -8, 0.09375, 0.0625) +3:23/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 3 +0:24/0 = 0 +0:24/0/terrain_set = 0 +0:24/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 0, 0.03125, -0.0625, -0.03125, 8, -8, 8) +0:24/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 4 +0:24/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.pillow.on" +1:24/0 = 0 +1:24/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:24/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, -8, -0.15625, -8, -0.03125, 8, 8, 8) +1:24/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 4 +1:24/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 4 +1:24/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.pillow.on" +2:24/0 = 0 +2:24/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:24/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 8, -8, -8, -0.09375, -8, -0.03125, -0.0625, 8, 0, 8, 8) +2:24/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 4 +2:24/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 4 +2:24/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 4 +2:24/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.pillow.on" +3:24/0 = 0 +3:24/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:24/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, -0.0625, -8, 0.0625, -8, 8, 8, 8) +3:24/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 4 +3:24/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.pillow.on" +0:25/0 = 0 +0:25/0/terrain_set = 0 +0:25/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 0.03125, -8, -0.09375, -0.0625, -8, 0.25) +0:25/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_1/points = PackedVector2Array(-0.03125, 8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, 8) +0:25/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 4 +0:25/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 4 +0:25/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.pillow.on" +1:25/0 = 0 +1:25/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:25/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, 8, 8, -8, -0.09375, -8, -0.03125, -0.0625, -8, 0, -8, 8) +1:25/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 4 +1:25/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 4 +1:25/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 4 +1:25/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.pillow.on" +2:25/0 = 0 +2:25/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:25/0/terrain = 4 +2:25/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +2:25/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 4 +2:25/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 4 +2:25/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 4 +2:25/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 4 +2:25/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.pillow.on" +3:25/0 = 0 +3:25/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:25/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 0.0625, -0.03125, -0.0625, 0.03125, 8, -8, 8) +3:25/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 4 +3:25/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 4 +3:25/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.pillow.on" +0:26/0 = 0 +0:26/0/terrain_set = 0 +0:26/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-0.03125, -8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, -8) +0:26/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 4 +0:26/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.pillow.on" +1:26/0 = 0 +1:26/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:26/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, -0.0625, -8, 0.0625) +1:26/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 4 +1:26/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 4 +1:26/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.pillow.on" +2:26/0 = 0 +2:26/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:26/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, -8, -8, -8, -8, 0.0625, -0.03125, -0.0625, -0.09375, 8, 8, 8) +2:26/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 4 +2:26/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 4 +2:26/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 4 +2:26/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.pillow.on" +3:26/0 = 0 +3:26/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:26/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, -0.15625, -8, -0.03125, 8, -8, 8) +3:26/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 4 +3:26/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 4 +3:26/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.pillow.on" +1:27/0 = 0 +1:27/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:27/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(0.09375, 8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, 8) +1:27/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 4 +1:27/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.pillow.on" +2:27/0 = 0 +2:27/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:27/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 8, -0.09375, 8, -0.09375, -0.0625, -8, 0.0625) +2:27/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_1/points = PackedVector2Array(-0.03125, -8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, -8) +2:27/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 4 +2:27/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 4 +2:27/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.pillow.on" +3:27/0 = 0 +3:27/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:27/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 0.0625, -8, -8, -0.09375, -8, 0.09375, 0.0625) +3:27/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 4 +3:27/0/custom_data_0 = "girl.pillow.on" +0:28/0 = 0 +0:28/0/terrain_set = 0 +0:28/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 0, 0.03125, -0.0625, -0.03125, 8, -8, 8) +0:28/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 5 +0:28/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.pillow.on" +1:28/0 = 0 +1:28/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:28/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, -8, -0.15625, -8, -0.03125, 8, 8, 8) +1:28/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 5 +1:28/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 5 +1:28/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.pillow.on" +2:28/0 = 0 +2:28/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:28/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 8, -8, -8, -0.09375, -8, -0.03125, -0.0625, 8, 0, 8, 8) +2:28/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 5 +2:28/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 5 +2:28/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 5 +2:28/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.pillow.on" +3:28/0 = 0 +3:28/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:28/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, -0.0625, -8, 0.0625, -8, 8, 8, 8) +3:28/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 5 +3:28/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 5 +3:28/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.pillow.on" +0:29/0 = 0 +0:29/0/terrain_set = 0 +0:29/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 0.03125, -8, -0.09375, -0.0625, -8, 0.25) +0:29/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_1/points = PackedVector2Array(-0.03125, 8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, 8) +0:29/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 5 +0:29/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 5 +0:29/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.pillow.on" +1:29/0 = 0 +1:29/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:29/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, 8, 8, -8, -0.09375, -8, -0.03125, -0.0625, -8, 0, -8, 8) +1:29/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 5 +1:29/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 5 +1:29/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 5 +1:29/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.pillow.on" +2:29/0 = 0 +2:29/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:29/0/terrain = 5 +2:29/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 8) +2:29/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 5 +2:29/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 5 +2:29/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 5 +2:29/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 5 +2:29/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.pillow.on" +3:29/0 = 0 +3:29/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:29/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 0.0625, -0.03125, -0.0625, 0.03125, 8, -8, 8) +3:29/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 5 +3:29/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 5 +3:29/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 5 +3:29/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.pillow.on" +0:30/0 = 0 +0:30/0/terrain_set = 0 +0:30/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-0.03125, -8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, -8) +0:30/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 5 +0:30/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.pillow.on" +1:30/0 = 0 +1:30/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:30/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, 8, -8, 8, -0.0625, -8, 0.0625) +1:30/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 5 +1:30/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 5 +1:30/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.pillow.on" +2:30/0 = 0 +2:30/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:30/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(8, -8, -8, -8, -8, 0.0625, -0.03125, -0.0625, -0.09375, 8, 8, 8) +2:30/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 5 +2:30/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 5 +2:30/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 5 +2:30/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.pillow.on" +3:30/0 = 0 +3:30/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:30/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, -8, -0.15625, -8, -0.03125, 8, -8, 8) +3:30/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 5 +3:30/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 5 +3:30/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.pillow.on" +1:31/0 = 0 +1:31/0/terrain_set = 0 +1:31/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(0.09375, 8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, 8) +1:31/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_right_corner = 5 +1:31/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.pillow.on" +2:31/0 = 0 +2:31/0/terrain_set = 0 +2:31/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 8, -0.09375, 8, -0.09375, -0.0625, -8, 0.0625) +2:31/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_1/points = PackedVector2Array(-0.03125, -8, -0.03125, 0.0625, 8, 0.0625, 8, -8) +2:31/0/terrains_peering_bit/bottom_left_corner = 5 +2:31/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_right_corner = 5 +2:31/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.pillow.on" +3:31/0 = 0 +3:31/0/terrain_set = 0 +3:31/0/physics_layer_0/polygon_0/points = PackedVector2Array(-8, 0.0625, -8, -8, -0.09375, -8, 0.09375, 0.0625) +3:31/0/terrains_peering_bit/top_left_corner = 5 +3:31/0/custom_data_0 = "boy.pillow.on" +0:32/0 = 0 +0:32/0/custom_data_0 = "" +1:32/0 = 0 +1:32/0/custom_data_0 = "" +2:32/0 = 0 +2:32/0/custom_data_0 = "" +3:32/0 = 0 +3:32/0/custom_data_0 = "" +0:33/0 = 0 +0:33/0/custom_data_0 = "" +1:33/0 = 0 +1:33/0/custom_data_0 = "" +2:33/0 = 0 +2:33/0/custom_data_0 = "" +3:33/0 = 0 +3:33/0/custom_data_0 = "" +0:34/0 = 0 +0:34/0/custom_data_0 = "" +1:34/0 = 0 +1:34/0/custom_data_0 = "" +2:34/0 = 0 +2:34/0/custom_data_0 = "" +3:34/0 = 0 +3:34/0/custom_data_0 = "" +1:35/0 = 0 +1:35/0/custom_data_0 = "" +2:35/0 = 0 +2:35/0/custom_data_0 = "" +3:35/0 = 0 +3:35/0/custom_data_0 = "" +0:36/0 = 0 +0:36/0/custom_data_0 = "" +1:36/0 = 0 +1:36/0/custom_data_0 = "" +2:36/0 = 0 +2:36/0/custom_data_0 = "" +3:36/0 = 0 +3:36/0/custom_data_0 = "" +0:37/0 = 0 +0:37/0/custom_data_0 = "" +1:37/0 = 0 +1:37/0/custom_data_0 = "" +2:37/0 = 0 +2:37/0/custom_data_0 = "" +3:37/0 = 0 +3:37/0/custom_data_0 = "" +0:38/0 = 0 +0:38/0/custom_data_0 = "" +1:38/0 = 0 +1:38/0/custom_data_0 = "" +2:38/0 = 0 +2:38/0/custom_data_0 = "" +3:38/0 = 0 +3:38/0/custom_data_0 = "" +1:39/0 = 0 +1:39/0/custom_data_0 = "" +2:39/0 = 0 +2:39/0/custom_data_0 = "" +3:39/0 = 0 +3:39/0/custom_data_0 = "" + +[resource] +physics_layer_0/collision_layer = 1 +physics_layer_0/physics_material = SubResource("PhysicsMaterial_bgue1") +terrain_set_0/mode = 1 +terrain_set_0/terrain_0/name = "girl disco" +terrain_set_0/terrain_0/color = Color(1, 0.415686, 1, 1) +terrain_set_0/terrain_1/name = "boy disco" +terrain_set_0/terrain_1/color = Color(0.176471, 0.188235, 0.796078, 1) +terrain_set_0/terrain_2/name = "city lights" +terrain_set_0/terrain_2/color = Color(0.425678, 0.520713, 0.0819725, 1) +terrain_set_0/terrain_3/name = "disco ball" +terrain_set_0/terrain_3/color = 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