2024-09-17 20:35:18 -04:00

366 lines
14 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.HttpStream = void 0;
const isomorphic_fetch_1 = require("@libsql/isomorphic-fetch");
const errors_js_1 = require("../errors.js");
const index_js_1 = require("../encoding/index.js");
const id_alloc_js_1 = require("../id_alloc.js");
const queue_js_1 = require("../queue.js");
const queue_microtask_js_1 = require("../queue_microtask.js");
const result_js_1 = require("../result.js");
const sql_js_1 = require("../sql.js");
const stream_js_1 = require("../stream.js");
const util_js_1 = require("../util.js");
const cursor_js_1 = require("./cursor.js");
const json_encode_js_1 = require("./json_encode.js");
const protobuf_encode_js_1 = require("./protobuf_encode.js");
const json_encode_js_2 = require("./json_encode.js");
const protobuf_encode_js_2 = require("./protobuf_encode.js");
const json_decode_js_1 = require("./json_decode.js");
const protobuf_decode_js_1 = require("./protobuf_decode.js");
class HttpStream extends stream_js_1.Stream {
/** @private */
constructor(client, baseUrl, jwt, customFetch) {
this.#client = client;
this.#baseUrl = baseUrl.toString();
this.#jwt = jwt;
this.#fetch = customFetch;
this.#baton = undefined;
this.#queue = new queue_js_1.Queue();
this.#flushing = false;
this.#closing = false;
this.#closeQueued = false;
this.#closed = undefined;
this.#sqlIdAlloc = new id_alloc_js_1.IdAlloc();
/** Get the {@link HttpClient} object that this stream belongs to. */
client() {
return this.#client;
/** @private */
_sqlOwner() {
return this;
/** Cache a SQL text on the server. */
storeSql(sql) {
const sqlId = this.#sqlIdAlloc.alloc();
this.#sendStreamRequest({ type: "store_sql", sqlId, sql }).then(() => undefined, (error) => this._setClosed(error));
return new sql_js_1.Sql(this, sqlId);
/** @private */
_closeSql(sqlId) {
if (this.#closed !== undefined) {
this.#sendStreamRequest({ type: "close_sql", sqlId }).then(() =>, (error) => this._setClosed(error));
/** @private */
_execute(stmt) {
return this.#sendStreamRequest({ type: "execute", stmt }).then((response) => {
return response.result;
/** @private */
_batch(batch) {
return this.#sendStreamRequest({ type: "batch", batch }).then((response) => {
return response.result;
/** @private */
_describe(protoSql) {
return this.#sendStreamRequest({
type: "describe",
sql: protoSql.sql,
sqlId: protoSql.sqlId
}).then((response) => {
return response.result;
/** @private */
_sequence(protoSql) {
return this.#sendStreamRequest({
type: "sequence",
sql: protoSql.sql,
sqlId: protoSql.sqlId,
}).then((_response) => {
return undefined;
/** Check whether the SQL connection underlying this stream is in autocommit state (i.e., outside of an
* explicit transaction). This requires protocol version 3 or higher.
getAutocommit() {
this.#client._ensureVersion(3, "getAutocommit()");
return this.#sendStreamRequest({
type: "get_autocommit",
}).then((response) => {
return response.isAutocommit;
#sendStreamRequest(request) {
return new Promise((responseCallback, errorCallback) => {
this.#pushToQueue({ type: "pipeline", request, responseCallback, errorCallback });
/** @private */
_openCursor(batch) {
return new Promise((cursorCallback, errorCallback) => {
this.#pushToQueue({ type: "cursor", batch, cursorCallback, errorCallback });
/** @private */
_cursorClosed(cursor) {
if (cursor !== this.#cursor) {
throw new errors_js_1.InternalError("Cursor was closed, but it was not associated with the stream");
this.#cursor = undefined;
(0, queue_microtask_js_1.queueMicrotask)(() => this.#flushQueue());
/** Immediately close the stream. */
close() {
this._setClosed(new errors_js_1.ClientError("Stream was manually closed"));
/** Gracefully close the stream. */
closeGracefully() {
this.#closing = true;
(0, queue_microtask_js_1.queueMicrotask)(() => this.#flushQueue());
/** True if the stream is closed. */
get closed() {
return this.#closed !== undefined || this.#closing;
/** @private */
_setClosed(error) {
if (this.#closed !== undefined) {
this.#closed = error;
if (this.#cursor !== undefined) {
for (;;) {
const entry = this.#queue.shift();
if (entry !== undefined) {
else {
if ((this.#baton !== undefined || this.#flushing) && !this.#closeQueued) {
type: "pipeline",
request: { type: "close" },
responseCallback: () => undefined,
errorCallback: () => undefined,
this.#closeQueued = true;
(0, queue_microtask_js_1.queueMicrotask)(() => this.#flushQueue());
#pushToQueue(entry) {
if (this.#closed !== undefined) {
throw new errors_js_1.ClosedError("Stream is closed", this.#closed);
else if (this.#closing) {
throw new errors_js_1.ClosedError("Stream is closing", undefined);
else {
(0, queue_microtask_js_1.queueMicrotask)(() => this.#flushQueue());
#flushQueue() {
if (this.#flushing || this.#cursor !== undefined) {
if (this.#closing && this.#queue.length === 0) {
this._setClosed(new errors_js_1.ClientError("Stream was gracefully closed"));
const endpoint = this.#client._endpoint;
if (endpoint === undefined) {
this.#client._endpointPromise.then(() => this.#flushQueue(), (error) => this._setClosed(error));
const firstEntry = this.#queue.shift();
if (firstEntry === undefined) {
else if (firstEntry.type === "pipeline") {
const pipeline = [firstEntry];
for (;;) {
const entry = this.#queue.first();
if (entry !== undefined && entry.type === "pipeline") {
else if (entry === undefined && this.#closing && !this.#closeQueued) {
type: "pipeline",
request: { type: "close" },
responseCallback: () => undefined,
errorCallback: () => undefined,
this.#closeQueued = true;
else {
this.#flushPipeline(endpoint, pipeline);
else if (firstEntry.type === "cursor") {
this.#flushCursor(endpoint, firstEntry);
else {
throw (0, util_js_1.impossible)(firstEntry, "Impossible type of QueueEntry");
#flushPipeline(endpoint, pipeline) {
this.#flush(() => this.#createPipelineRequest(pipeline, endpoint), (resp) => decodePipelineResponse(resp, endpoint.encoding), (respBody) => respBody.baton, (respBody) => respBody.baseUrl, (respBody) => handlePipelineResponse(pipeline, respBody), (error) => pipeline.forEach((entry) => entry.errorCallback(error)));
#flushCursor(endpoint, entry) {
const cursor = new cursor_js_1.HttpCursor(this, endpoint.encoding);
this.#cursor = cursor;
this.#flush(() => this.#createCursorRequest(entry, endpoint), (resp) =>, (respBody) => respBody.baton, (respBody) => respBody.baseUrl, (_respBody) => entry.cursorCallback(cursor), (error) => entry.errorCallback(error));
#flush(createRequest, decodeResponse, getBaton, getBaseUrl, handleResponse, handleError) {
let promise;
try {
const request = createRequest();
const fetch = this.#fetch;
promise = fetch(request);
catch (error) {
promise = Promise.reject(error);
this.#flushing = true;
promise.then((resp) => {
if (!resp.ok) {
return errorFromResponse(resp).then((error) => {
throw error;
return decodeResponse(resp);
}).then((r) => {
this.#baton = getBaton(r);
this.#baseUrl = getBaseUrl(r) ?? this.#baseUrl;
}).catch((error) => {
}).finally(() => {
this.#flushing = false;
#createPipelineRequest(pipeline, endpoint) {
return this.#createRequest(new URL(endpoint.pipelinePath, this.#baseUrl), {
baton: this.#baton,
requests: => entry.request),
}, endpoint.encoding, json_encode_js_1.PipelineReqBody, protobuf_encode_js_1.PipelineReqBody);
#createCursorRequest(entry, endpoint) {
if (endpoint.cursorPath === undefined) {
throw new errors_js_1.ProtocolVersionError("Cursors are supported only on protocol version 3 and higher, " +
`but the HTTP server only supports version ${endpoint.version}.`);
return this.#createRequest(new URL(endpoint.cursorPath, this.#baseUrl), {
baton: this.#baton,
batch: entry.batch,
}, endpoint.encoding, json_encode_js_2.CursorReqBody, protobuf_encode_js_2.CursorReqBody);
#createRequest(url, reqBody, encoding, jsonFun, protobufFun) {
let bodyData;
let contentType;
if (encoding === "json") {
bodyData = (0, index_js_1.writeJsonObject)(reqBody, jsonFun);
contentType = "application/json";
else if (encoding === "protobuf") {
bodyData = (0, index_js_1.writeProtobufMessage)(reqBody, protobufFun);
contentType = "application/x-protobuf";
else {
throw (0, util_js_1.impossible)(encoding, "Impossible encoding");
const headers = new isomorphic_fetch_1.Headers();
headers.set("content-type", contentType);
if (this.#jwt !== undefined) {
headers.set("authorization", `Bearer ${this.#jwt}`);
return new isomorphic_fetch_1.Request(url.toString(), { method: "POST", headers, body: bodyData });
exports.HttpStream = HttpStream;
function handlePipelineResponse(pipeline, respBody) {
if (respBody.results.length !== pipeline.length) {
throw new errors_js_1.ProtoError("Server returned unexpected number of pipeline results");
for (let i = 0; i < pipeline.length; ++i) {
const result = respBody.results[i];
const entry = pipeline[i];
if (result.type === "ok") {
if (result.response.type !== entry.request.type) {
throw new errors_js_1.ProtoError("Received unexpected type of response");
else if (result.type === "error") {
entry.errorCallback((0, result_js_1.errorFromProto)(result.error));
else if (result.type === "none") {
throw new errors_js_1.ProtoError("Received unrecognized type of StreamResult");
else {
throw (0, util_js_1.impossible)(result, "Received impossible type of StreamResult");
async function decodePipelineResponse(resp, encoding) {
if (encoding === "json") {
const respJson = await resp.json();
return (0, index_js_1.readJsonObject)(respJson, json_decode_js_1.PipelineRespBody);
else if (encoding === "protobuf") {
const respData = await resp.arrayBuffer();
return (0, index_js_1.readProtobufMessage)(new Uint8Array(respData), protobuf_decode_js_1.PipelineRespBody);
else {
throw (0, util_js_1.impossible)(encoding, "Impossible encoding");
async function errorFromResponse(resp) {
const respType = resp.headers.get("content-type") ?? "text/plain";
if (respType === "application/json") {
const respBody = await resp.json();
if ("message" in respBody) {
return (0, result_js_1.errorFromProto)(respBody);
let message = `Server returned HTTP status ${resp.status}`;
if (respType === "text/plain") {
const respBody = (await resp.text()).trim();
if (respBody !== "") {
message += `: ${respBody}`;
return new errors_js_1.HttpServerError(message, resp.status);