'use strict' const assert = require('chai').assert const proxyquire = require('proxyquire') const spooks = require('spooks') const modulePath = '../../src/match' suite('match:', () => { test('require does not throw', () => { assert.doesNotThrow(() => { require(modulePath) }) }) test('require returns function', () => { assert.isFunction(require(modulePath)) }) suite('require, results.push returns true:', () => { let log, resume, results, match setup(() => { log = {} resume = spooks.fn({ name: 'resume', log }) results = { walk: [ { on: spooks.fn({ name: 'on', log: log }), pause: spooks.fn({ name: 'pause', log: log, results: [ resume ] }) } ], push: [ true ] } match = proxyquire(modulePath, { './walk': spooks.fn({ name: 'walk', log: log, results: results.walk }), './datastream': spooks.ctor({ name: 'DataStream', log: log, archetype: { instance: { push: () => {}, emit: () => {} } }, results: results }) }) }) test('match expects two arguments', () => { assert.lengthOf(match, 2) }) test('match does not throw with match function', () => { assert.doesNotThrow(() => match(null, () => {})) }) test('match does not throw with match string', () => { assert.doesNotThrow(() => match(null, ' ')) }) test('match throws with empty match string', () => { assert.throws(() => match(null, '')) }) test('match does not throw with match regex', () => { assert.doesNotThrow(() => match(null, /.*/)) }) test('match throws with invalid match arg', () => { assert.throws(() => match(null, {})) }) test('match returns stream', () => { assert.isFunction(match(null, /.*/).push) assert.isFunction(match(null, /.*/).emit) }) test('DataStream was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.DataStream, 0) }) test('walk was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.walk, 0) }) test('EventEmitter.on was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.on, 0) }) test('EventEmitter.pause was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.pause, 0) }) suite('match with predicate returning true:', () => { let stream, predicate, options, result setup(() => { stream = {} predicate = spooks.fn({ name: 'predicate', log, results: [ true ] }) options = { foo: 'bar', highWaterMark: 42 } result = match(stream, predicate, options) }) test('DataStream was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.DataStream, 1) assert.isObject(log.these.DataStream[0]) }) test('DataStream was called correctly', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.DataStream[0], 2) assert.isFunction(log.args.DataStream[0][0]) assert.deepEqual(log.args.DataStream[0][1], { highWaterMark: 42 }) }) test('walk was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.walk, 1) assert.isUndefined(log.these.walk[0]) }) test('walk was called correctly', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.walk[0], 2) assert.strictEqual(log.args.walk[0][0], stream) assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(log.args.walk[0][0]), 0) assert.strictEqual(log.args.walk[0][1], options) assert.lengthOf(Object.keys(log.args.walk[0][1]), 2) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called eleven times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.on, 11) assert.strictEqual(log.these.on[0], results.walk[0]) assert.strictEqual(log.these.on[1], results.walk[0]) assert.strictEqual(log.these.on[2], results.walk[0]) assert.strictEqual(log.these.on[3], results.walk[0]) assert.strictEqual(log.these.on[4], results.walk[0]) assert.strictEqual(log.these.on[5], results.walk[0]) assert.strictEqual(log.these.on[6], results.walk[0]) assert.strictEqual(log.these.on[7], results.walk[0]) assert.strictEqual(log.these.on[8], results.walk[0]) assert.strictEqual(log.these.on[9], results.walk[0]) assert.strictEqual(log.these.on[10], results.walk[0]) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called correctly first time', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.on[0], 2) assert.strictEqual(log.args.on[0][0], 'arr') assert.isFunction(log.args.on[0][1]) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called correctly second time', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.on[1], 2) assert.strictEqual(log.args.on[1][0], 'obj') assert.isFunction(log.args.on[1][1]) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called correctly third time', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.on[2], 2) assert.strictEqual(log.args.on[2][0], 'pro') assert.isFunction(log.args.on[2][1]) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called correctly fourth time', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.on[3], 2) assert.strictEqual(log.args.on[3][0], 'end-arr') assert.isFunction(log.args.on[3][1]) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called correctly fifth time', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.on[4], 2) assert.strictEqual(log.args.on[4][0], 'end-obj') assert.isFunction(log.args.on[4][1]) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called correctly sixth time', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.on[5], 2) assert.strictEqual(log.args.on[5][0], 'str') assert.isFunction(log.args.on[5][1]) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called correctly seventh time', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.on[6], 2) assert.strictEqual(log.args.on[6][0], 'num') assert.isFunction(log.args.on[6][1]) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called correctly eighth time', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.on[7], 2) assert.strictEqual(log.args.on[7][0], 'lit') assert.isFunction(log.args.on[7][1]) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called correctly ninth time', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.on[8], 2) assert.strictEqual(log.args.on[8][0], 'end') assert.isFunction(log.args.on[8][1]) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called correctly tenth time', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.on[9], 2) assert.strictEqual(log.args.on[9][0], 'err') assert.isFunction(log.args.on[9][1]) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called correctly eleventh time', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.on[10], 2) assert.strictEqual(log.args.on[10][0], 'err-data') assert.isFunction(log.args.on[10][1]) }) suite('array event:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[0][1]() }) test('results.push was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 0) }) suite('end event:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[8][1]() }) test('results.push was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 0) }) suite('read stream:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.DataStream[0][0]() }) test('results.push was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 1) }) test('results.push was called correctly', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.push[0], 1) assert.isNull(log.args.push[0][0]) }) test('predicate was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.predicate, 0) }) }) }) suite('endArray and end events:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[3][1]() log.args.on[8][1]() }) test('predicate was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.predicate, 1) }) test('predicate was called correctly', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.predicate[0], 3) assert.isUndefined(log.args.predicate[0][0]) assert.deepEqual(log.args.predicate[0][1], []) assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[0][2], 0) }) test('results.push was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 0) }) suite('read stream:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.DataStream[0][0]() }) test('results.push was called twice', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 2) }) test('results.push was called correctly first time', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.push[0], 1) assert.deepEqual(log.args.push[0][0], []) }) test('results.push was called correctly second time', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.push[1], 1) assert.isNull(log.args.push[1][0]) }) test('results.emit was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.emit, 0) }) }) }) suite('read stream:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.DataStream[0][0]() }) test('results.push was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 0) }) suite('end event:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[8][1]() }) test('results.push was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 1) }) test('results.push was called correctly', () => { assert.isNull(log.args.push[0][0]) }) test('results.emit was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.emit, 0) }) }) suite('dataError event:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[10][1]('foo') }) test('results.push was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 0) }) test('results.emit was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.emit, 1) }) test('results.emit was called correctly', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.emit[0], 2) assert.strictEqual(log.args.emit[0][0], 'dataError') assert.strictEqual(log.args.emit[0][1], 'foo') }) test('predicate was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.predicate, 0) }) }) suite('string event:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[5][1]('foo') }) test('predicate was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.predicate, 1) }) test('predicate was called correctly', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.predicate[0], 3) assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[0][0], 0) assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[0][1], 'foo') assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[0][2], 1) }) test('results.push was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 1) }) test('results.push was called correctly', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[0][0], 'foo') }) suite('string event:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[5][1]('bar') }) test('predicate was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.predicate, 2) }) test('predicate was called correctly', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[1][0], 1) assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[1][1], 'bar') assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[1][2], 1) }) test('results.push was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 2) }) test('results.push was called correctly', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[1][0], 'bar') }) }) suite('array event:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[0][1]() }) test('predicate was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.predicate, 1) }) test('results.push was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 1) }) suite('endArray event:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[3][1]() }) test('predicate was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.predicate, 2) }) test('predicate was called correctly', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[1][0], 1) assert.deepEqual(log.args.predicate[1][1], []) assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[1][2], 1) }) test('results.push was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 2) }) test('results.push was called correctly', () => { assert.deepEqual(log.args.push[1][0], []) }) suite('endArray event:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[3][1]() }) test('predicate was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.predicate, 3) }) test('predicate was called correctly', () => { assert.isUndefined(log.args.predicate[2][0]) assert.deepEqual(log.args.predicate[2][1], [ 'foo', [] ]) assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[2][2], 0) }) test('results.push was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 3) }) test('results.push was called correctly', () => { assert.deepEqual(log.args.push[2][0], [ 'foo', [] ]) }) test('EventEmitter.pause was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.pause, 0) }) }) }) }) suite('object event:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[1][1]() }) test('results.push was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 1) }) suite('property event:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[2][1]('bar') }) test('predicate was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.predicate, 1) }) test('results.push was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 1) }) suite('string event:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[5][1]('baz') }) test('predicate was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.predicate, 2) }) test('predicate was called correctly', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[1][0], 'bar') assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[1][1], 'baz') assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[1][2], 2) }) test('results.push was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 2) }) test('results.push was called correctly', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[1][0], 'baz') }) suite('property event:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[2][1]('nested') }) test('results.push was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 2) }) suite('object event:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[1][1]() }) test('predicate was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.predicate, 2) }) test('results.push was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 2) }) suite('endObject event:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[4][1]() }) test('predicate was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.predicate, 3) }) test('predicate was called correctly', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[2][0], 'nested') assert.deepEqual(log.args.predicate[2][1], {}) assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[2][2], 2) }) test('results.push was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 3) }) test('results.push was called correctly', () => { assert.deepEqual(log.args.push[2][0], {}) }) suite('endObject event:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[4][1]() }) test('predicate was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.predicate, 4) }) test('predicate was called correctly', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[3][0], 1) assert.deepEqual(log.args.predicate[3][1], { bar: 'baz', nested: {} }) assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[3][2], 1) }) test('results.push was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 4) }) test('results.push was called correctly', () => { assert.deepEqual(log.args.push[3][0], { bar: 'baz', nested: {} }) }) test('EventEmitter.pause was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.pause, 0) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) suite('string events, push returns false:', () => { setup(() => { results.push[0] = false log.args.on[5][1]('foo') log.args.on[5][1]('bar') }) teardown(() => { results.push[0] = true }) test('predicate was called twice', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.predicate, 2) }) test('results.push was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 1) }) test('results.push was called correctly', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[0][0], 'foo') }) test('emitter.pause was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.pause, 1) assert.strictEqual(log.these.pause[0], results.walk[0]) }) test('emitter.pause was called correctly', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.pause[0], 0) }) test('resume was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.resume, 0) }) suite('read stream:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.DataStream[0][0]() }) test('resume was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.resume, 1) assert.isUndefined(log.these.resume[0]) }) test('resume was called correctly', () => { assert.lengthOf(log.args.resume[0], 0) }) test('results.push was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 2) }) test('results.push was called correctly', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[1][0], 'bar') }) }) }) }) suite('all events then read:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[1][1]() log.args.on[2][1]('foo') log.args.on[5][1]('bar') log.args.on[4][1]() log.args.on[5][1]('') log.args.on[6][1](0) log.args.on[7][1](null) log.args.on[7][1](false) log.args.on[3][1]() log.args.on[8][1]() log.args.DataStream[0][0]() }) test('predicate was called six times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.predicate, 6) }) test('predicate was called correctly first time', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[0][0], 'foo') assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[0][1], 'bar') assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[0][2], 2) }) test('predicate was called correctly second time', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[1][0], 0) assert.deepEqual(log.args.predicate[1][1], { foo: 'bar' }) assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[1][2], 1) }) test('predicate was called correctly third time', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[2][0], 1) assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[2][1], '') assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[2][2], 1) }) test('predicate was called correctly fourth time', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[3][0], 2) assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[3][1], 0) assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[3][2], 1) }) test('predicate was called correctly fifth time', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[4][0], 4) assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[4][1], false) assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[4][2], 1) }) test('predicate was called correctly sixth time', () => { assert.isUndefined(log.args.predicate[5][0]) assert.deepEqual(log.args.predicate[5][1], [ { foo: 'bar' }, '', 0, null, false ]) assert.strictEqual(log.args.predicate[5][2], 0) }) test('results.push was called seven times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 7) }) test('results.push was called correctly', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[0][0], 'bar') assert.deepEqual(log.args.push[1][0], { foo: 'bar' }) assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[2][0], '') assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[3][0], 0) assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[4][0], false) assert.deepEqual(log.args.push[5][0], [ { foo: 'bar' }, '', 0, null, false ]) assert.isNull(log.args.push[6][0]) }) test('results.emit was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.emit, 0) }) }) }) suite('read then all events:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.DataStream[0][0]() log.args.on[0][1]() log.args.on[1][1]() log.args.on[2][1]('foo') log.args.on[5][1]('bar') log.args.on[4][1]() log.args.on[5][1]('') log.args.on[6][1](0) log.args.on[7][1](null) log.args.on[7][1](false) log.args.on[3][1]() log.args.on[8][1]() }) test('results.push was called seven times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 7) }) test('results.push was called correctly', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[0][0], 'bar') assert.deepEqual(log.args.push[1][0], { foo: 'bar' }) assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[2][0], '') assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[3][0], 0) assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[4][0], false) assert.deepEqual(log.args.push[5][0], [ { foo: 'bar' }, '', 0, null, false ]) assert.isNull(log.args.push[6][0]) }) test('results.emit was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.emit, 0) }) }) }) suite('match with predicate returning false:', () => { let stream, predicate, options, result setup(() => { predicate = spooks.fn({ name: 'predicate', log, results: [ false ] }) result = match({}, predicate, {}) }) test('DataStream was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.DataStream, 1) }) test('walk was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.walk, 1) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called eleven times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.on, 11) }) suite('read events:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.DataStream[0][0]() // [ { "foo": "bar" }, "baz", 1, true ] log.args.on[0][1]() log.args.on[1][1]() log.args.on[2][1]('foo') log.args.on[5][1]('bar') log.args.on[4][1]() log.args.on[5][1]('baz') log.args.on[6][1](1) log.args.on[7][1](true) log.args.on[3][1]() log.args.on[8][1]() }) test('results.push was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 1) }) test('results.push was called correctly', () => { assert.isNull(log.args.push[0][0]) }) test('results.emit was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.emit, 0) }) }) }) suite('match with string:', () => { let stream, options, result setup(() => { result = match({}, 'foo', {}) }) test('DataStream was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.DataStream, 1) }) test('walk was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.walk, 1) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called eleven times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.on, 11) }) suite('read events:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.DataStream[0][0]() // { "foo": "bar", "baz": "qux", "foo": "wibble" } log.args.on[1][1]() log.args.on[2][1]('foo') log.args.on[5][1]('bar') log.args.on[2][1]('baz') log.args.on[5][1]('qux') log.args.on[2][1]('foo') log.args.on[5][1]('wibble') log.args.on[4][1]() log.args.on[8][1]() }) test('results.push was called three times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 3) }) test('results.push was called correctly first time', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[0][0], 'bar') }) test('results.push was called correctly second time', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[1][0], 'wibble') }) test('results.push was called correctly third time', () => { assert.isNull(log.args.push[2][0]) }) test('results.emit was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.emit, 0) }) }) }) suite('match with regular expression:', () => { let stream, options, result setup(() => { result = match({}, /oo/, {}) }) test('DataStream was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.DataStream, 1) }) test('walk was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.walk, 1) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called eleven times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.on, 11) }) suite('read events:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.DataStream[0][0]() // { "foo": "bar", "fo": "baz", "oo": "qux" } log.args.on[1][1]() log.args.on[2][1]('foo') log.args.on[5][1]('bar') log.args.on[2][1]('fo') log.args.on[5][1]('baz') log.args.on[2][1]('oo') log.args.on[5][1]('qux') log.args.on[4][1]() log.args.on[8][1]() }) test('results.push was called three times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 3) }) test('results.push was called correctly first time', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[0][0], 'bar') }) test('results.push was called correctly second time', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[1][0], 'qux') }) test('results.push was called correctly third time', () => { assert.isNull(log.args.push[2][0]) }) test('results.emit was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.emit, 0) }) }) }) suite('match with jsonpath expression:', () => { let stream, options, result setup(() => { result = match({}, '$.foo.bar[*]', {}) }) test('DataStream was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.DataStream, 1) }) test('walk was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.walk, 1) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called eleven times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.on, 11) }) suite('read events:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.DataStream[0][0]() // { "foo": { "bar": [ "baz", "qux" ], "wibble": "blee" } } log.args.on[1][1]() log.args.on[2][1]('foo') log.args.on[1][1]() log.args.on[2][1]('bar') log.args.on[0][1]() log.args.on[5][1]('baz') log.args.on[5][1]('qux') log.args.on[3][1]() log.args.on[2][1]('wibble') log.args.on[5][1]('blee') log.args.on[4][1]() log.args.on[8][1]() }) test('results.push was called three times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 3) }) test('results.push was called correctly first time', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[0][0], 'baz') }) test('results.push was called correctly second time', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[1][0], 'qux') }) test('results.push was called correctly third time', () => { assert.isNull(log.args.push[2][0]) }) test('results.emit was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.emit, 0) }) }) }) suite('match with numbers=true:', () => { let stream, options, result setup(() => { result = match({}, '1', { numbers: true }) }) test('DataStream was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.DataStream, 1) }) test('walk was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.walk, 1) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called eleven times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.on, 11) }) suite('read events:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.DataStream[0][0]() // { "0": "foo", "1": "bar", "2": [ "baz", "qux" ] } log.args.on[1][1]() log.args.on[2][1]('0') log.args.on[5][1]('foo') log.args.on[2][1]('1') log.args.on[5][1]('bar') log.args.on[2][1]('2') log.args.on[0][1]() log.args.on[5][1]('baz') log.args.on[5][1]('qux') log.args.on[3][1]() log.args.on[4][1]() log.args.on[8][1]() }) test('results.push was called three times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 3) }) test('results.push was called correctly first time', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[0][0], 'bar') }) test('results.push was called correctly second time', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[1][0], 'qux') }) test('results.push was called correctly third time', () => { assert.isNull(log.args.push[2][0]) }) test('results.emit was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.emit, 0) }) }) }) suite('match with bufferLength=3:', () => { let stream, options, result setup(() => { result = match({}, 'foo', { bufferLength: 3 }) }) test('DataStream was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.DataStream, 1) }) test('walk was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.walk, 1) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called eleven times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.on, 11) }) suite('two matching events:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[1][1]() log.args.on[2][1]('foo') log.args.on[5][1]('bar') log.args.on[2][1]('baz') log.args.on[5][1]('qux') log.args.on[2][1]('foo') log.args.on[5][1]('wibble') log.args.on[2][1]('foo') }) test('EventEmitter.pause was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.pause, 0) }) suite('matching event:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.on[5][1]('blee') }) test('results.push was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 0) }) test('EventEmitter.pause was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.pause, 1) }) test('resume was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.resume, 0) }) suite('read:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.DataStream[0][0]() }) test('resume was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.resume, 1) }) test('results.push was called three times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 3) }) test('results.push was called correctly first time', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[0][0], 'bar') }) test('results.push was called correctly second time', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[1][0], 'wibble') }) test('results.push was called correctly third time', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.args.push[2][0], 'blee') }) test('results.emit was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.emit, 0) }) }) }) }) }) suite('match with minDepth=1:', () => { let stream, predicate, options, result setup(() => { predicate = spooks.fn({ name: 'predicate', log, results: [ true ] }) result = match({}, predicate, { minDepth: 1 }) }) test('DataStream was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.DataStream, 1) }) test('walk was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.walk, 1) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called eleven times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.on, 11) }) suite('read events:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.DataStream[0][0]() // { "foo": { "bar": { "baz": "qux" } } } log.args.on[1][1]() log.args.on[2][1]('foo') log.args.on[1][1]() log.args.on[2][1]('bar') log.args.on[1][1]() log.args.on[2][1]('baz') log.args.on[5][1]('qux') log.args.on[4][1]() log.args.on[4][1]() log.args.on[4][1]() log.args.on[8][1]() }) test('results.push was called four times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 4) }) test('results.push was called correctly first time', () => { const args = log.args.push[0] assert.lengthOf(args, 1) assert.equal(args[0], 'qux') }) test('results.push was called correctly second time', () => { const args = log.args.push[1] assert.lengthOf(args, 1) assert.deepEqual(args[0], { baz: 'qux' }) }) test('results.push was called correctly third time', () => { const args = log.args.push[2] assert.lengthOf(args, 1) assert.deepEqual(args[0], { bar: { baz: 'qux' } }) }) test('results.push was called correctly fourth time', () => { const args = log.args.push[3] assert.lengthOf(args, 1) assert.isNull(args[0]) }) test('results.emit was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.emit, 0) }) }) }) suite('match with minDepth=2:', () => { let stream, predicate, options, result setup(() => { predicate = spooks.fn({ name: 'predicate', log, results: [ true ] }) result = match({}, predicate, { minDepth: 2 }) }) test('DataStream was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.DataStream, 1) }) test('walk was called once', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.walk, 1) }) test('EventEmitter.on was called eleven times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.on, 11) }) suite('read events:', () => { setup(() => { log.args.DataStream[0][0]() // { "foo": { "bar": { "baz": "qux" } } } log.args.on[1][1]() log.args.on[2][1]('foo') log.args.on[1][1]() log.args.on[2][1]('bar') log.args.on[1][1]() log.args.on[2][1]('baz') log.args.on[5][1]('qux') log.args.on[4][1]() log.args.on[4][1]() log.args.on[4][1]() log.args.on[8][1]() }) test('results.push was called three times', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.push, 3) }) test('results.push was called correctly first time', () => { const args = log.args.push[0] assert.lengthOf(args, 1) assert.equal(args[0], 'qux') }) test('results.push was called correctly second time', () => { const args = log.args.push[1] assert.lengthOf(args, 1) assert.deepEqual(args[0], { baz: 'qux' }) }) test('results.push was called correctly third time', () => { const args = log.args.push[2] assert.lengthOf(args, 1) assert.isNull(args[0]) }) test('results.emit was not called', () => { assert.strictEqual(log.counts.emit, 0) }) }) }) }) })