import { ProtoError, MisuseError } from "./errors.js"; import { stmtResultFromProto, rowsResultFromProto, rowResultFromProto, valueResultFromProto, errorFromProto, } from "./result.js"; import { stmtToProto } from "./stmt.js"; import { impossible } from "./util.js"; /** A builder for creating a batch and executing it on the server. */ export class Batch { /** @private */ _stream; #useCursor; /** @private */ _steps; #executed; /** @private */ constructor(stream, useCursor) { this._stream = stream; this.#useCursor = useCursor; this._steps = []; this.#executed = false; } /** Return a builder for adding a step to the batch. */ step() { return new BatchStep(this); } /** Execute the batch. */ execute() { if (this.#executed) { throw new MisuseError("This batch has already been executed"); } this.#executed = true; const batch = { steps: => step.proto), }; if (this.#useCursor) { return executeCursor(this._stream, this._steps, batch); } else { return executeRegular(this._stream, this._steps, batch); } } } function executeRegular(stream, steps, batch) { return stream._batch(batch).then((result) => { for (let step = 0; step < steps.length; ++step) { const stepResult = result.stepResults.get(step); const stepError = result.stepErrors.get(step); steps[step].callback(stepResult, stepError); } }); } async function executeCursor(stream, steps, batch) { const cursor = await stream._openCursor(batch); try { let nextStep = 0; let beginEntry = undefined; let rows = []; for (;;) { const entry = await; if (entry === undefined) { break; } if (entry.type === "step_begin") { if (entry.step < nextStep || entry.step >= steps.length) { throw new ProtoError("Server produced StepBeginEntry for unexpected step"); } else if (beginEntry !== undefined) { throw new ProtoError("Server produced StepBeginEntry before terminating previous step"); } for (let step = nextStep; step < entry.step; ++step) { steps[step].callback(undefined, undefined); } nextStep = entry.step + 1; beginEntry = entry; rows = []; } else if (entry.type === "step_end") { if (beginEntry === undefined) { throw new ProtoError("Server produced StepEndEntry but no step is active"); } const stmtResult = { cols: beginEntry.cols, rows, affectedRowCount: entry.affectedRowCount, lastInsertRowid: entry.lastInsertRowid, }; steps[beginEntry.step].callback(stmtResult, undefined); beginEntry = undefined; rows = []; } else if (entry.type === "step_error") { if (beginEntry === undefined) { if (entry.step >= steps.length) { throw new ProtoError("Server produced StepErrorEntry for unexpected step"); } for (let step = nextStep; step < entry.step; ++step) { steps[step].callback(undefined, undefined); } } else { if (entry.step !== beginEntry.step) { throw new ProtoError("Server produced StepErrorEntry for unexpected step"); } beginEntry = undefined; rows = []; } steps[entry.step].callback(undefined, entry.error); nextStep = entry.step + 1; } else if (entry.type === "row") { if (beginEntry === undefined) { throw new ProtoError("Server produced RowEntry but no step is active"); } rows.push(entry.row); } else if (entry.type === "error") { throw errorFromProto(entry.error); } else if (entry.type === "none") { throw new ProtoError("Server produced unrecognized CursorEntry"); } else { throw impossible(entry, "Impossible CursorEntry"); } } if (beginEntry !== undefined) { throw new ProtoError("Server closed Cursor before terminating active step"); } for (let step = nextStep; step < steps.length; ++step) { steps[step].callback(undefined, undefined); } } finally { cursor.close(); } } /** A builder for adding a step to the batch. */ export class BatchStep { /** @private */ _batch; #conds; /** @private */ _index; /** @private */ constructor(batch) { this._batch = batch; this.#conds = []; this._index = undefined; } /** Add the condition that needs to be satisfied to execute the statement. If you use this method multiple * times, we join the conditions with a logical AND. */ condition(cond) { this.#conds.push(cond._proto); return this; } /** Add a statement that returns rows. */ query(stmt) { return this.#add(stmt, true, rowsResultFromProto); } /** Add a statement that returns at most a single row. */ queryRow(stmt) { return this.#add(stmt, true, rowResultFromProto); } /** Add a statement that returns at most a single value. */ queryValue(stmt) { return this.#add(stmt, true, valueResultFromProto); } /** Add a statement without returning rows. */ run(stmt) { return this.#add(stmt, false, stmtResultFromProto); } #add(inStmt, wantRows, fromProto) { if (this._index !== undefined) { throw new MisuseError("This BatchStep has already been added to the batch"); } const stmt = stmtToProto(this._batch._stream._sqlOwner(), inStmt, wantRows); let condition; if (this.#conds.length === 0) { condition = undefined; } else if (this.#conds.length === 1) { condition = this.#conds[0]; } else { condition = { type: "and", conds: this.#conds.slice() }; } const proto = { stmt, condition }; return new Promise((outputCallback, errorCallback) => { const callback = (stepResult, stepError) => { if (stepResult !== undefined && stepError !== undefined) { errorCallback(new ProtoError("Server returned both result and error")); } else if (stepError !== undefined) { errorCallback(errorFromProto(stepError)); } else if (stepResult !== undefined) { outputCallback(fromProto(stepResult, this._batch._stream.intMode)); } else { outputCallback(undefined); } }; this._index = this._batch._steps.length; this._batch._steps.push({ proto, callback }); }); } } export class BatchCond { /** @private */ _batch; /** @private */ _proto; /** @private */ constructor(batch, proto) { this._batch = batch; this._proto = proto; } /** Create a condition that evaluates to true when the given step executes successfully. * * If the given step fails error or is skipped because its condition evaluated to false, this * condition evaluates to false. */ static ok(step) { return new BatchCond(step._batch, { type: "ok", step: stepIndex(step) }); } /** Create a condition that evaluates to true when the given step fails. * * If the given step succeeds or is skipped because its condition evaluated to false, this condition * evaluates to false. */ static error(step) { return new BatchCond(step._batch, { type: "error", step: stepIndex(step) }); } /** Create a condition that is a logical negation of another condition. */ static not(cond) { return new BatchCond(cond._batch, { type: "not", cond: cond._proto }); } /** Create a condition that is a logical AND of other conditions. */ static and(batch, conds) { for (const cond of conds) { checkCondBatch(batch, cond); } return new BatchCond(batch, { type: "and", conds: => e._proto) }); } /** Create a condition that is a logical OR of other conditions. */ static or(batch, conds) { for (const cond of conds) { checkCondBatch(batch, cond); } return new BatchCond(batch, { type: "or", conds: => e._proto) }); } /** Create a condition that evaluates to true when the SQL connection is in autocommit mode (not inside an * explicit transaction). This requires protocol version 3 or higher. */ static isAutocommit(batch) { batch._stream.client()._ensureVersion(3, "BatchCond.isAutocommit()"); return new BatchCond(batch, { type: "is_autocommit" }); } } function stepIndex(step) { if (step._index === undefined) { throw new MisuseError("Cannot add a condition referencing a step that has not been added to the batch"); } return step._index; } function checkCondBatch(expectedBatch, cond) { if (cond._batch !== expectedBatch) { throw new MisuseError("Cannot mix BatchCond objects for different Batch objects"); } }