"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.WsStream = void 0; const errors_js_1 = require("../errors.js"); const queue_js_1 = require("../queue.js"); const stream_js_1 = require("../stream.js"); const cursor_js_1 = require("./cursor.js"); class WsStream extends stream_js_1.Stream { #client; #streamId; #queue; #cursor; #closing; #closed; /** @private */ static open(client) { const streamId = client._streamIdAlloc.alloc(); const stream = new WsStream(client, streamId); const responseCallback = () => undefined; const errorCallback = (e) => stream.#setClosed(e); const request = { type: "open_stream", streamId }; client._sendRequest(request, { responseCallback, errorCallback }); return stream; } /** @private */ constructor(client, streamId) { super(client.intMode); this.#client = client; this.#streamId = streamId; this.#queue = new queue_js_1.Queue(); this.#cursor = undefined; this.#closing = false; this.#closed = undefined; } /** Get the {@link WsClient} object that this stream belongs to. */ client() { return this.#client; } /** @private */ _sqlOwner() { return this.#client; } /** @private */ _execute(stmt) { return this.#sendStreamRequest({ type: "execute", streamId: this.#streamId, stmt, }).then((response) => { return response.result; }); } /** @private */ _batch(batch) { return this.#sendStreamRequest({ type: "batch", streamId: this.#streamId, batch, }).then((response) => { return response.result; }); } /** @private */ _describe(protoSql) { this.#client._ensureVersion(2, "describe()"); return this.#sendStreamRequest({ type: "describe", streamId: this.#streamId, sql: protoSql.sql, sqlId: protoSql.sqlId, }).then((response) => { return response.result; }); } /** @private */ _sequence(protoSql) { this.#client._ensureVersion(2, "sequence()"); return this.#sendStreamRequest({ type: "sequence", streamId: this.#streamId, sql: protoSql.sql, sqlId: protoSql.sqlId, }).then((_response) => { return undefined; }); } /** Check whether the SQL connection underlying this stream is in autocommit state (i.e., outside of an * explicit transaction). This requires protocol version 3 or higher. */ getAutocommit() { this.#client._ensureVersion(3, "getAutocommit()"); return this.#sendStreamRequest({ type: "get_autocommit", streamId: this.#streamId, }).then((response) => { return response.isAutocommit; }); } #sendStreamRequest(request) { return new Promise((responseCallback, errorCallback) => { this.#pushToQueue({ type: "request", request, responseCallback, errorCallback }); }); } /** @private */ _openCursor(batch) { this.#client._ensureVersion(3, "cursor"); return new Promise((cursorCallback, errorCallback) => { this.#pushToQueue({ type: "cursor", batch, cursorCallback, errorCallback }); }); } /** @private */ _sendCursorRequest(cursor, request) { if (cursor !== this.#cursor) { throw new errors_js_1.InternalError("Cursor not associated with the stream attempted to execute a request"); } return new Promise((responseCallback, errorCallback) => { if (this.#closed !== undefined) { errorCallback(new errors_js_1.ClosedError("Stream is closed", this.#closed)); } else { this.#client._sendRequest(request, { responseCallback, errorCallback }); } }); } /** @private */ _cursorClosed(cursor) { if (cursor !== this.#cursor) { throw new errors_js_1.InternalError("Cursor was closed, but it was not associated with the stream"); } this.#cursor = undefined; this.#flushQueue(); } #pushToQueue(entry) { if (this.#closed !== undefined) { entry.errorCallback(new errors_js_1.ClosedError("Stream is closed", this.#closed)); } else if (this.#closing) { entry.errorCallback(new errors_js_1.ClosedError("Stream is closing", undefined)); } else { this.#queue.push(entry); this.#flushQueue(); } } #flushQueue() { for (;;) { const entry = this.#queue.first(); if (entry === undefined && this.#cursor === undefined && this.#closing) { this.#setClosed(new errors_js_1.ClientError("Stream was gracefully closed")); break; } else if (entry?.type === "request" && this.#cursor === undefined) { const { request, responseCallback, errorCallback } = entry; this.#queue.shift(); this.#client._sendRequest(request, { responseCallback, errorCallback }); } else if (entry?.type === "cursor" && this.#cursor === undefined) { const { batch, cursorCallback } = entry; this.#queue.shift(); const cursorId = this.#client._cursorIdAlloc.alloc(); const cursor = new cursor_js_1.WsCursor(this.#client, this, cursorId); const request = { type: "open_cursor", streamId: this.#streamId, cursorId, batch, }; const responseCallback = () => undefined; const errorCallback = (e) => cursor._setClosed(e); this.#client._sendRequest(request, { responseCallback, errorCallback }); this.#cursor = cursor; cursorCallback(cursor); } else { break; } } } #setClosed(error) { if (this.#closed !== undefined) { return; } this.#closed = error; if (this.#cursor !== undefined) { this.#cursor._setClosed(error); } for (;;) { const entry = this.#queue.shift(); if (entry !== undefined) { entry.errorCallback(error); } else { break; } } const request = { type: "close_stream", streamId: this.#streamId }; const responseCallback = () => this.#client._streamIdAlloc.free(this.#streamId); const errorCallback = () => undefined; this.#client._sendRequest(request, { responseCallback, errorCallback }); } /** Immediately close the stream. */ close() { this.#setClosed(new errors_js_1.ClientError("Stream was manually closed")); } /** Gracefully close the stream. */ closeGracefully() { this.#closing = true; this.#flushQueue(); } /** True if the stream is closed or closing. */ get closed() { return this.#closed !== undefined || this.#closing; } } exports.WsStream = WsStream;