const sqlite = require('better-sqlite3'); const db = new sqlite('the_big_db.db', { verbose: console.log }); var sockets = new Map(); function interpret(context, subject, command) { const words = command.split(' '); const verbs = findVerbs(context, subject); // first word is either a subject or a verb. either way there must be a verb. // check if the first word is in the list of verbs. const [first, second, third,] = words; if (second in verbs) { executeVerb(verbs.get(second), first, third,; } else { executeVerb(verbs.get(first), subject, second, third, } } function findVerbs(location, actor) { // check for verbs on actor // check for verbs on objects in location // check for verbs on location const out = new Map(); out.set("look", 29); return out; } function executeVerb(verb, subject, object, { lookUpObject(verb).fn(subject, object, } const objectQuery = db.prepare('select * from pages where id=?'); function lookUpObject(id) { // return objectQuery.get(id); if (id == 30) return {name: "shoofle", contents: "this is a shoofle", location: 1}; if (id == 29) return { name: "look", contents: "send description of direct object to subject's socket", fn: (subject, object, => { sockets.get(subject)?.send(`you looked around! subject: ${subject} object: ${object} args: ${rest}`); console.log(`${subject} looked at ${object} with args ${rest}`); } }; } module.exports = { interpret, sockets, lookUpObject };