# Telescopium! This is a lil raspi i made that has a camera and automatically takes a picture every day at noon. It's recording my garden yard! I'm delighted by it. In theory it should also automatically compile it into a timelapse. Baby steps for now though. Here's the log of all the shit i've done so far. --- basic setup like hostname, enable ssh, wifi, etc., all done with the raspberry pi imager so i didn't have to do them physically installed camera module installed nginx installed vim made nginx point to telescopium.local so i can actually display the stuff from it android can't connect to mdns addresses such as telescopium.local made some folders in /var/www/html/ to do stuff command for outputting a datetime filename: date +%+4Y-%m-%d-%Hh%Mm.jpg added a listing for autoindexing the folder /var/www/html/stills/ with location /stills/ { autoindex: on; } made a python script to take a picture, plus a systemd service and timer to take pictures daily! they need to be symlinked into /etc/systemd/system/ finally realized i never did `systemctl enable telescopium.timer --now` so the timer never started which is why my daily task hasn't been running. remedied. telescopium physical has been installed in its place in the rear window. also i made it so that it prints its current ip address in the webpage. gonna try and make it so it converts the latest month of images into a gif, at a rate of one week per second? hopefully just using imagemagick. update: i am deep in the bowels of imagemagick and ffmpeg trying in vain to get this to work fixed the unrelated issue where it was taking a picture every time the system rebooted. it's because i had the telescopium service enabled in addition to the timer; i disabled the service and made sure only the timer was enabled for some reason it crashes most of the times you try to do a particularly intensive operation such as "compile 15 images into a timelapse with ffmpeg" or, like, fuckin', "resize an image". i don't know what's up. major thorn in the side of my agenda to make it automatically resize images