You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

409 lines
16 KiB

<script src="../../static/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="../../static/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="../../static/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="../../static/shoofle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<style type="text/css">
svg circle, svg path { fill: none; }
svg .glyph { stroke: #600; fill: none; }
svg .vowel { stroke: #044; }
svg .radical { stroke: #004; }
svg circle.radical { fill: black; }
svg .enclosure { stroke: #000; }
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span6 offset3">
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="100%" height="400px" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMax" id="arena" viewBox="-105 -105 210 210">
<path id="mound" d="M-10,0 H-8 A9,8 0,0,1 8,0 H10" class="glyph"></path>
<g id="mound2">
<path d="M-10,0 H-8 A9,8 0 0,1 8,0 H10" class="glyph"></path>
<path d="M-6,0 A7,6 0,0,1 6,0" class="glyph"></path>
<path id="omega" d="M-10,0 H-4 A7,7 0,1,1 4,0 H10" class="glyph"></path>
<g id="omega2">
<path d="M-10,0 H-4 A7,7 0,1,1 4,0 H10" class="glyph"></path>
<path d="M-1,-1 A4.5,4.5 0,1,1 1,-1" class="glyph"></path>
<path id="angle" d="M-10,0 H-6 L0,-8 L6,0 H10" class="glyph"></path>
<g id="angle2">
<path d="M-10,0 H-6 L0,-8 L6,0 H10" class="glyph"></path>
<path d="M-4,0 L0,-5.3333 L4,0" class="glyph"></path>
<path id="chalice" d="M-10,0 H-6 A15,15 0,0,1 -10,-6 A15,10 0,0,0 10,-6 A15,15 0,0,1 6,0 H10" class="glyph"></path>
<g id="chalice2">
<path d="M-10,0 H-6 A15,15 0,0,1 -10,-6 A15,10 0,0,0 10,-6 A15,15 0,0,1 6,0 H10" class="glyph"></path>
<path d="M-8.5,-3 A 14,9 0,0,0 8.5,-3" class="glyph"></path>
<path id="loop" d="M-10,0 H-8 C6,0 6,-10 0,-10 C-6,-10 -6,0 6,0 H10" class="glyph"></path>
<g id="loop2">
<path d="M-10,0 H-8 C6,0 6,-10 0,-10 C-6,-10 -6,0 6,0 H10" class="glyph"></path>
<circle r="2" cx="0" cy="-6" class="glyph"></circle>
<path id="weird_up" d="M -4,-4 A 4,6 0,0,0 0,-8 A 4,6 0,0,0 4,-4" class="vowel"></path>
<path id="weird_down" d="M -4,-8 A 4,6 0,0,0 0,-4 A 4,6 0,0,0 4,-8" class="vowel"></path>
<input type="text" value="shoof~l ihs ~ bihg dohrk" />
<h3>Available Sounds:</h3>
<p id="sounds_list"></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
var svg_ns = "";
var xlink_ns = "";
function cos_deg (angle) { return Math.cos(angle * Math.PI / 180); }
function sin_deg (angle) { return Math.sin(angle * Math.PI / 180); }
function norm (vector) {
var norm = Math.sqrt(vector.x*vector.x + vector.y*vector.y);
return {x: vector.x / norm, y: vector.y / norm};
function sub (a, b) { return {x: a.x-b.x, y: a.y-b.y}; }
function add (a, b) { return {x: a.x+b.x, y: a.y+b.y}; }
function mul (a, b) {
if ("x" in a) { return {x: a.x*b, y: a.y*b}; }
return a*b;
// Table is the table of what letters mean what things!
// Each entry in the table is a list of columnar cells.
// Each column corresponds to a particular radical configuration.
// Each cell is a list of strings which will be recognized in parsing.
var table = {};
// Main consonants!
table["mound"] = [ ["m"], ["n"], [], ["ng"]];
table["omega"] = [ ["p"], ["t"], [], ["k", "c", "q"]];
table["angle"] = [ ["f", "ph"], ["s"], ["sh"], []];
table["loop"] = [ ["th"], [], ["ch"], []];
table["chalice"] = [["w"], ["r"], ["y"], ["h"]];
// Alternate (mostly, voiced) consonants!
table["mound2"] = [ [], [], [], []];
table["omega2"] = [ ["b"], ["d"], [], ["g"]];
table["angle2"] = [ ["v"], ["z"], ["zh"], []];
table["loop2"] = [ ["dh"], [], ["j"], []];
table["chalice2"] = [[], ["l"], [], []];
// Vowels in the eat/ate/at and oh/ow/aw tracks!
table["above double"] = [["ee"], ["ay"], ["a"]];
table["above single"] = [["ih"], ["eh", "e"], ["ah"]];
table["below"] = [["oh", "o"], ["ow", "ou"], ["aw"]];
// Vowels on the line!
table["on the line double"] = [["uh"], ["oo"]];
table["on the line single"] = [["~"], ["u"]];
// The weird ones!
table["weird up"] = [["i"]];
table["weird down"] = [["oy", "oi"]];
// These lists simply list out which radicals should be shown.
// four_rad_options contains the radicals array that should be passed to make glyphs in rows with four columns.
// three_rad_options contains the radicals array that will be passed to make glyphs in rows with three columns.
// And so on.
// These are consumed in make_new_glyph().
// Basically, each glyph has a number of locations that radicals are placed.
// If a shape is in the third column of a four-column row, then we look at four_rad_options, and see that the
// third element is [null, "dot", "dot"]. So that shape will have no radical in the first position, and dots in
// both the second and third positions.
var four_rad_options = [];
four_rad_options.push(["dot", null, null]);
four_rad_options.push(["line", null, null]);
four_rad_options.push([null, "dot", "dot"]);
four_rad_options.push([null, "line", "line"]);
var three_rad_options = [];
three_rad_options.push(["line", null]);
three_rad_options.push([null, null]);
three_rad_options.push([null, "line"]);
var two_rad_options = [];
two_rad_options.push([null, null]);
two_rad_options.push(["line", "line"]);
var one_rad_options = [];
var rad_options = [one_rad_options, two_rad_options, three_rad_options, four_rad_options];
// Invert the table of shapes, and the lists of radical options, into a lookup table.
// The keys are phrases recognized as coding a sound, and the values are objects describing the appearance of the glyph that should result.
var lookup = {};
$.each(table, function(shape_name, row) {
var radical_options = rad_options[row.length - 1];
$.each(row, function(radical_index, valid_sequences) {
var current_radicals = radical_options[radical_index];
$.each(valid_sequences, function(i, phrase) {
lookup[phrase] = {name: shape_name, radicals: current_radicals};
var consonant_shapes = "mound omega angle chalice loop ";
consonant_shapes = consonant_shapes + consonant_shapes.replace(/ /gi, "2 ");
consonant_shapes = consonant_shapes.split(" ");
var vowel_shapes = "above double,above single,below,on the line double,on the line single,weird up,weird down".split(",");
// Defines the positions of the radicals for glyphs. Should perhaps be moved to live in the XML?
// Maybe each symbol could be a group, and then have radical shapes identified by their classes,
// and then dynamically shown/hidden?
var consonant_radical_positions = {
"mound": [{x: 0, y: -8}, {x: -3, y: -7}, {x: 3, y: -7}],
"omega": [{x: 0, y: -16}, {x: -3, y: -15}, {x: 3, y: -15}],
"angle": [{x: 0, y: -12}, {x: -3, y: -10}, {x: 3, y: -10}],
"loop": [{x: 0, y: -14}, {x: -3, y: -14}, {x: 3, y: -14}],
"chalice": [{x: 0, y: -7}, {x: -3, y: -7}, {x: 3, y: -7}]
// Ensure that all the doubled glyphs have the same radical positions as their singled counterparts.
$.each(consonant_shapes, function(i, name) {
if (name.slice(0, -1) in consonant_radical_positions) {
consonant_radical_positions[name] = consonant_radical_positions[name.slice(0, -1)];
var radical_backup = 3.5;
var radical_length = 3;
var radical_length_vowel = 6;
var vowel_radius = 4;
var inset = 5;
var word_radius = [14, 14, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32];
var sentence_radius = 80;
var the_big_word;
function new_glyph(symbol_name, radicals) {
var glyph;
if ($.inArray(symbol_name, consonant_shapes) != -1) {
glyph = new_consonant(symbol_name, radicals);
if ($.inArray(symbol_name, vowel_shapes) != -1) {
glyph = new_vowel(symbol_name, radicals);
} = symbol_name;
glyph.radicals = radicals;
return glyph;
function new_vowel(symbol_name, radicals) {
var s = {handles: {}, vectors: []};
s.handles.circle_in = {x: 0, y: 0};
s.handles.circle_out = {x: 0, y: 0};
s.handles.radicals = [];
if (symbol_name == "weird up" || symbol_name == "weird down") {
s.e = ns_elem('use', svg_ns, {'xlink:href': '#' + symbol_name.replace(" ", "_")}, xlink_ns); = {x: 0, y: -6};
else {
s.e = ns_elem('g', svg_ns);
if (symbol_name.indexOf("above") != -1) { = {x: 0, y: -8}; }
if (symbol_name.indexOf("below") != -1) { = {x: 0, y: 8}; }
if (symbol_name.indexOf("on the line") != -1) { = {x: 0, y: 0}; }
s.handles.radicals.push({x: 0, y: - vowel_radius});
s.handles.radicals.push({x: 0, y: + vowel_radius});
var vowel_out = $(ns_elem('circle', svg_ns));
vowel_out.attr({r: vowel_radius, cx:, cy:}).attr('class', 'vowel');
if (symbol_name.indexOf("double") != -1) {
var vowel_in = $(ns_elem('circle', svg_ns));
vowel_in.attr({r: vowel_radius/3, cx:, cy:}).attr('class', 'vowel');
$.each(radicals, function (index, value) {
if (value != "line") { return true; }
var start = s.handles.radicals[index]; var d = norm(sub(start,;
var end = { x: start.x + d.x * radical_length_vowel, y: start.y + d.y * radical_length_vowel};
var line = ns_elem('path', svg_ns);
$(line).attr('d', 'M ' + start.x + ', ' + start.y + ' L ' + end.x + ', ' + end.y);
$(line).attr('class', 'radical')
$.each(s.handles, function(index, value) { if (index != "radicals") { s.vectors.push(value); } });
$.each(s.handles.radicals, function(index, value) { s.vectors.push(value); });
return s;
function new_consonant(symbol_name, radicals) {
var s = {e: ns_elem('g', svg_ns), handles: {}, vectors: []}; = {x: 0, y: 0};
s.handles.circle_in = {x: -10, y: 0};
s.handles.circle_out = {x: 10, y: 0};
s.handles.radicals = {};
$.extend(true, s.handles.radicals, consonant_radical_positions[symbol_name]);
$(s.e).append(ns_elem('use', svg_ns, {'xlink:href': '#' + symbol_name}, xlink_ns));
$.each(radicals, function(index, value) {
var radical_position = s.handles.radicals[index];
if (value == "dot") {
var circle = $(ns_elem('circle', svg_ns));
circle.attr({r: 1, cx: radical_position.x, cy: radical_position.y});
circle.attr('class', 'radical');
if (value == "line") {
var d = norm(sub(radical_position,;
var start = sub(radical_position, mul(d, radical_backup));
var end = add(radical_position, mul(d, radical_length));
var line = $(ns_elem('path', svg_ns));
line.attr('d', 'M' + start.x + ',' + start.y + ' L' + end.x + ',' + end.y);
line.attr('class', 'radical');
$.each(s.handles, function(index, value) { if (index != "radicals") { s.vectors.push(value); } });
$.each(s.handles.radicals, function(i, vector) { s.vectors.push(vector); });
return s;
function transform_for_circle(radius, angle, glyph) {
var group = ns_elem('g', svg_ns);
$(group).attr('transform', 'rotate(' + (-1*angle) + ') translate(0 ' + radius + ')');
$.each(glyph.vectors, function (name, value) {
// Translate the vector.
var translated = {};
translated.x = value.x;
translated.y = value.y + radius;
// Rotate the vector.
var rotated = {};
rotated.x = translated.x * cos_deg(-angle) - translated.y * sin_deg(-angle);
rotated.y = translated.x * sin_deg(-angle) + translated.y * cos_deg(-angle);
// Change the vector in-place.
value.x = rotated.x;
value.y = rotated.y;
glyph.e = group;
return glyph;
function enclose(radius, list_of_glyphs) {
var length = list_of_glyphs.length;
angle_step = 360 / length;
var enclosure = {e: ns_elem('g', svg_ns), children: [], handles: {}, vectors: [] };
$.each(list_of_glyphs, function (index, glyph) {
var the_glyph = transform_for_circle(radius, angle_step*index, glyph);
$.each(the_glyph.vectors, function (i, vector) { enclosure.vectors.push(vector); });
$.each(enclosure.children, function (index) {
var current = enclosure.children[index];
var next = enclosure.children[(index+1) % length];
var npd = "M " + current.handles.circle_out.x + " " + current.handles.circle_out.y;
var arc = "A" + radius + "," + radius + " 0,0,0 ";
if (length != 1) {
npd = npd + arc + next.handles.circle_in.x + "," + next.handles.circle_in.y + " ";
else {
npd = npd + arc + "0," + (next.handles.circle_in.y - radius - radius) + " ";
npd = npd + arc + next.handles.circle_in.x + "," + next.handles.circle_in.y + " ";
var arc = $(ns_elem('path', svg_ns)).attr('d', npd).attr('class', 'enclosure');
$(enclosure.e).attr('transform', 'translate(0 ' + (-radius - inset) + ')');
$.each(enclosure.vectors, function (i, vector) {
vector.y = vector.y - radius - inset;
enclosure.handles.circle_in = {x: 0, y: 0};
enclosure.handles.circle_out = {x: 0, y: 0};
return enclosure;
function letters_from_string(str) {
str = str.toLowerCase();
str = str.replace(/x/g, "ks");
str = str.replace(/qu/g, "kw");
str = str.replace(/q/g, "k");
var tokens = [];
while (str.length != 0) {
var results = consume_token(str);
str = results.str;
if (results.success) {
return tokens;
function consume_token(str) {
if (str[0] == " ") {
return consume_token(str.slice(1));
var out = {success: false};
var the_tip = str.slice(0,2);
if (the_tip in lookup) {
out.success = true;
out.str = str.slice(2);
out.token = lookup[the_tip];
console.log(the_tip, out.token);
else if (the_tip[0] in lookup) {
out.success = true;
out.str = str.slice(1);
out.token = lookup[the_tip[0]];
return out;
function interpret_input(str) {
var words = [];
$.each(str.split(" "), function (i, word) {
var tk = letters_from_string(word);
var glyphs = [];
$.each(tk, function (i, letter_glyph) {
glyphs.push(new_glyph(, letter_glyph.radicals));
var r = word_radius[word_radius.length-1];
if (glyphs.length < word_radius.length) {
r = word_radius[glyphs.length];
words.push(enclose(r, glyphs));
var out = enclose(sentence_radius, words);
out = transform_for_circle(sentence_radius+inset, 0, out);
return out;
$(document).ready(function () {
function change_word(str) {
if (the_big_word && the_big_word.e) { $(the_big_word.e).remove(); }
the_big_word = interpret_input(str);
$('input').change(function() { change_word($(this).val()); });
$('input').keyup(function() { change_word($(this).val()); });
$('#sounds_list').text(Object.keys(lookup).join(", "));
<script type="text/javascript">
function ns_elem () { if (typeof arguments[0] === "undefined") { console.log('There was an error in the element assist function. Called with no valid tag name!');} var elem; if (typeof arguments[1] === "string") { elem = document.createElementNS(arguments[1], arguments[0]); for (var i=2; i<arguments.length; i+=2) { if (typeof arguments[i+1] === "undefined") { for (var key in arguments[i]) { elem.setAttribute(key, arguments[i][key]); } break; } else { for (var key in arguments[i]) { elem.setAttributeNS(arguments[i+1], key, arguments[i][key]); } } } } else { elem = document.createElement(arguments[0]); for (var i=1; i<arguments.length; i+=2) { if (typeof arguments[i+1] === "undefined") { for (var key in arguments[i]) { elem.setAttribute(key, arguments[i][key]); } break; } else { for (var key in arguments[i]) { elem.setAttributeNS(arguments[i+1], key, arguments[i][key]); } } } } return elem;}