	<span class="sidenote">This article is about identities, how we define them, and my thoughts on this as someone with an education in mathematics. It's also a trial run of a type of document I don't think I've seen before. <label for="passage-description">You can click on passages marked like this.</label><span class="collapsed" id="passage-description">When you do so, additional information relevant to that subject will be shown. In theory, this allows for presenting an overview of the topic while allowing seamless exploration of the subtopics within it. Let's see how it works.</span>
	<h1>Identities and Spaces</h1>
	<p>Gender is a complicated subject.</p>
	<p>The simplest possible view of gender is that there are two kinds of people, men and women. They can be identified by their external characteristics: girls have long hair and wear pink, boys have short hair and wear blue. If you want to make it sound more scientific, you can point out that women are, by and large, more emotionally connected and empathic, and boys are stronger and physically larger.</p>
	<p>Sooner or later, you have to confront the existence of people who do not fit into those categories. These people will often be incorrectly identified as one gender when they are not. One solution to this is to ask each person what gender they are, and trust them to know which one they actually fit. 