Games I've Played

Mostly Shooters and Stuff

Not Shooters

More Indie

Extremely Indie

(This section is kinda by nature going to be extremely incomplete; a lot of these games take like ten minutes to play, and often get forgotten. Talk to me and I'll recommend more, and just check out every game by porpentine.)

Extremely Memorable

  • Shadow of the Colossus
    Hard Time Trials (Normal) Climbed the temple

    I love this game so much I'm not even going to write about it. I'd say too much.

  • Ico

    Ico was very pretty, and had some of the same qualities that Shadow of the Colossus had, but it didn't tie together nearly so well.

  • Mirror's Edge
    Easy Test of Faith (Pacifist)

    This game has the best platforming I've had the pleasure of experiencing - and I'm a sucker for good platforming.

  • El Shaddai

    I loved this game from an aesthetic point of view, but I kept waiting for the story to get interesting. I'm still waiting.

  • Zeno Clash

    The aesthetic really makes this game stand out.

  • Iji
    Normal Somewhat Pacifist

    Iji remains one of my favorite games of all time, for its excellent pseudo-morality system - one of the best I've seen.

  • Valkyrie Chronicles
    Normal No deaths

    Valkyrie Chronicles had such a cool gameplay and storytelling style that I have to include it.

  • No More Heroes
    Mild All Beam Katanas

    It's hard to describe this game. It was fascinating.

  • Elite Beat Agents
    Sweatin'! Hard ROCK!

    Probably my favorite rhythm game.

  • Silent Hill 2
    Gave up In Water ending

    As of September, 2013, this game is too scary for me. As of November, 2013, Glen and I finished it!

  • OFF
    Batter ending Judge ending
  • Journey
    White Cloak

    The only game I've played or seen with such an emotionally powerful and compelling anonymous multiplayer experience.

  • Bastion
    Both endings Altruist (all vigils) Mind Voyager (each trip to Who Knows Where)

    Oh gosh this game. I loved it so much. Such a masterpiece of storytelling - two days after getting it I finished it, and two days later I finished my second playthrough. When I design games, this is what I try for - with maybe more female characters.

  • With Those We Love Alive

Forgotten and Probably Indie

  • Lugaru HD
  • Beat Hazard