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11 years ago
supported_operations = ["__add__", "__sub__", "__mul__", "__floordiv__", "__mod__", "__divmod__", "__pow__", "__lshift__", "__rshift__", "__and__", "__xor__", "__or__", "__pow__", "__div__", "__truediv__", "__div__", "__radd__", "__rsub__", "__rmul__", "__rdiv__", "__rtruediv__", "__rfloordiv__", "__rmod__", "__rdivmod__", "__rpow__", "__rlshift__", "__rrshift__", "__rand__", "__rxor__", "__ror__", "__sub__", "__rpow__", "__radd__", "__neg__", "__pos__", "__abs__", "__complex__", "__long__", "__float__", "__oct__", "__hex__", "__index__", "__len__"]
class Wrapper(object):
"""Wrap a value so that it will be lazy-evaluated. `wrapper.value` returns the current value (you can also use c(wrapper))."""
def __init__(self, target, attribute=None, arguments=None): = target
self.attribute = attribute
self.arguments = arguments
if attribute is not None and arguments is not None:
raise TypeError
def value(self):
if self.attribute is None and self.arguments is None:
if self.attribute is not None:
return getattr(c(, self.attribute)
if self.arguments is not None:
return c(*map(c, self.arguments))
def value(self, new_target): = new_target
def __getattr__(self, name):
return Wrapper(self, attribute=name)
def __call__(self, *args):
return Wrapper(self, arguments=args)
def __repr__(self): return str(self)
def __str__(self):
if self.attribute is None and self.arguments is None:
return "w(" + str( + ")"
if self.attribute is not None:
return "w(" + str( + "." + str(self.attribute) + ")"
if self.arguments is not None:
return "w(" + str( + "(" + ",".join(map(str, self.arguments)) + ")"
def pass_through(operation):
return lambda self, *others: Wrapper(Wrapper(self, attribute=operation), arguments=others)
for operation in supported_operations:
setattr(Wrapper, operation, pass_through(operation))
def c(g):
"""Get the current value of a wrapper or bare variable."""
if isinstance(g, Wrapper): return g.value
else: return g
def wrap(v):
"""Wrap a variable, or just return it if it's already wrapped."""
if isinstance(v, Wrapper): return v
else: return Wrapper(v)
if __name__ == "__main__":
foo, bar, baz = wrap(1), wrap(2), wrap(3)
print("foo, bar, and baz are the wrapped values 1, 2, and 3.")
boop = foo + bar*baz
print("boop is set to foo + bar*baz: %s" % (boop, ))
print("And we can fetch the value of that computation easily as boop.value: %s" % (boop.value, ))
print("We can change the value of foo:")
print(">>> foo.value = 5")
foo.value = 5
print("And now, when we fetch the value of boop, it is adjusted accordingly:")
print(">>> boop.value => %s" % (boop.value,))
print("There is also a shorthand for evaluating a glomp: c(boop) => %s" % (c(boop), ))