-- ASEPRITE tileset and tilemap C exporter for use with GBDK -- version 0.3 --SEPTEMBER/2022-- --DISCLAIMER-- -- I'm an amateur programer, so the code may not be as optimal as it could be -- also, some notes may seem over explained, but they are for me to understand and remember what everything does. --helpeful resources : --https://eldred.fr/gb-asm-tutorial/part1/tiles.html --https://youtu.be/txkHN6izK2Y?t=344 -- Big Thanks to Aseprite community, specifically: -- Jeremy Behreandt, whose tutorial helped get started on the script -- -- boombuler, for his version of the plugin, (found here : https://github.com/boombuler/aseprite-gbexport) -- that helped a lot during debugging, and figuring out how to output the tiles -- ONLY WORKS WITH A SINGLE TILEMAP LAYER -- revised by shoofle around new years 2024/2025. this should export just the selection and just the currently active layer. -- select an area to export just that. -- exports to assembly as well. -- local sprt = app.activeSprite local layer = app.activeLayer local selection = sprt.selection local tile_layers ={} local n_layer = 0 local file_format = "" local filepath = sprt.filename local plt = sprt.palettes[1] -- DEFINES THE PALETTE local tile_amount = 0 local tile_offset = 0 local folder = string.find(filepath,"[^/]+$") - 1 filepath = string.sub(filepath,1,folder) local tile_name = "" local map_name = "" local do_set = false -- EXPORT TILESET local do_map = false -- EXPORT TILEMAP local w = 0 -- MAP WIDTH local h = 0 -- MAP HEIGHT -- INITIAL CHECKS FOR VALID FILE -- if sprt == nil then --CHECKS IF THERE'S AN IMAGE LOADED app.alert{ title = "MAJOR ERROR", text = "THERE'S NO FILE OPEN", buttons = "Oh crap" } return end for i,current_layer in ipairs(sprt.layers) do if current_layer.isTilemap then tile_layers[n_layer] = current_layer n_layer = n_layer+1 end end if n_layer == 0 then app.alert{ title = "ERROR", text = "There is no Tilemap Layer" } return end if ColorMode.TILEMAP == nil then --CHECKS FOR TILEMAP app.alert{ title = "ERROR", text = "This file does not make use of tilemaps" } return end if sprt.height % 8 ~= 0 or sprt.width%8 ~= 0 then --CHECKS FOR IMAGE DIMENSIONS, GAMEBOY USES 8X8 TILES, FOR THE IMAGE MUST BE A MULTIPLE app.alert { title = "ERROR", text = "Canvas width or height is not multiple of 8.", buttons = "OK" } return end if (layer.tileset.grid.tileSize.width ~= 8 or layer.tileset.grid.tileSize.height ~= 8) then app.alert { title = "ERROR", text = "Tile Size is not 8x8 px", buttons = "OK" } return end if sprt.colorMode ~= ColorMode.INDEXED then --CHECKS IF THE COLOR MODE IS SET TO INDEXED app.alert{ title = "ERROR", text = {" Color Mode must be", "INDEXED", "and have only 4 colors"}, buttons = "Oh, my bad" } return elseif #plt ~= 4 then -- IF IT IS INDEXED, CHECKS IF IT DOES HAVE 4 COLORS app.alert{ title = "ERROR", text = "Number of colors MUST BE 4", buttont = "Oops" } return end --INITIAL CHECKS DONE-- --USER INPUT-- local dlg = Dialog {title = "GB TILE EXPORTER"} dlg:label{ id = "label-01", text = "Pick a location to save the file." } dlg:newrow() dlg:label{ id = "label-02", text = "Only the folder will be used." } dlg:file{ id = "filepath", label = "Save Location", save = true, } local tileset_name_prompt = "tileset" if layer.tileset.name ~= "" then tileset_name_prompt = layer.tileset.name:gsub(" ", "") tileset_name_prompt = "." .. tileset_name_prompt end dlg:entry{ id="tilename", label = "Tileset Name", text = tileset_name_prompt } local tilemap_name_prompt = "tilemap" if layer.name ~= "" then tilemap_name_prompt = layer.name:gsub(" ", "") tilemap_name_prompt = "." .. tilemap_name_prompt end dlg:entry{ id = "mapname", label = "Map Name", text = tilemap_name_prompt } dlg:entry { id = "tile_offset", label = "Tile Index Start", text = "0" } dlg:combobox{ id = "fileformat", label = "File Format", option = "ASM", options = {"C", "ASM"} -- FOR FUTURE SUPPORT OF DIFFERENTE TYPES, LIKE ASM MAYBE } dlg:newrow() dlg:check{ id = "checkTileset", text = "Export Tileset", selected = true, -- bounds = Rectangle() } dlg:check{ id = "checkTilemap", text = "Export Tilemap", selected = true } -- NEEDS FILE PATH TO EXPORT -- NAME FOR TILESET -- NAME FOR TILEMAP -- CHECK BOX FOR TILESET(EXPORT TILESET) -- CHECK BOX FOR TILEMAP(EXPORT TILEMAP) dlg:button{ id="confirm", text="OK" } dlg:button{ id="cancel", text="Cancel" } dlg:show{wait=true} --FUNCTIONS ARE DECLARED HERE-- local dlg_data = dlg.data -- SAVES USER INPUT local function tile_to_hex(tile) -- -- ****HOW TO GAMEBOY WORKS WITH 2BITS PER PIXEL (2BPP)****-- -- EACH PIXEL IS A SET OF TWO DIGITS (BITS) SO WE TAKE A ROW AS A FULL BYTE -- SEPARATES THE NUMBER(BINARY) INTO PAIRS OF DIGITS -- THE PAIRS ARE THEM SEPARATED INTO "HIGH BITE" (LEFT) AND "LOW BITE" (RIGHT) -- THEM YOU JOIN THE HIGHS AND THE LOWS, AND END UP WITH TWO BYTES (8 DIGITS EACH) -- THEN YOU PUT THE LOW BYTES FIRST AND THE HIGHS SECOND local hex = {} local range_x = tile.width-1 local range_y = tile.height-1 for y = 0, range_y do --LOOPS Y AXIS local lo_bit = 0; --resets the low bit per each y value (for each row) local hi_bit = 0; -- resets the high bit per each y value (for each row) for x = 0, range_x do -- LOOPS X AXIS local pixel = tile:getPixel(x,y) if (pixel & 1) ~= 0 then -- 1 IN BINARY = 01 lo_bit = lo_bit | (1 << range_x-x) -- THE OPERATOR (1<< n-0) would be invalid, so we add (lo_bit |) end if (pixel & 2) ~= 0 then -- 2 IN BINARY == 10 hi_bit = hi_bit | (1 << range_x-x) end -- WAS USING AND INSTEAD OF & AND APARENTLY THAT WAS MESSING UP THE CODE, THANKS AGAIN TO boombuler FOR HIS CODE (LIFE SAVING) end table.insert(hex, string.format("%02x", lo_bit)) table.insert(hex, string.format("%02x", hi_bit)) end return hex -- returns a list of hex values for this tile ; end local function generate_tileset(tileset) local t = {} local grid = tileset.grid local size = grid.tileSize tile_amount = #tileset for i = 0, #tileset-1 do local tile = tileset:getTile(i) local hex = tile_to_hex(tile) -- t[i] = tile_to_hex(tile) -- print(hex) table.insert(t,hex) end return t end local function generate_tilemap() local sprite = app.sprite local cel = app.cel local image = cel.image local layer = app.layer local grid_size = layer.tileset.grid.tileSize --print("cel: " .. cel.bounds.x .. ',' .. cel.bounds.y .. " " .. cel.bounds.width .. "x" .. cel.bounds.height) --print("sprite: " ..sprite.width .. 'x' .. sprite.height) --print(image:getPixel(100,100)) local xi = 0 local yi = 0 local w = sprite.width local h = sprite.height if (not selection.isEmpty) then xi = selection.bounds.origin.x yi = selection.bounds.origin.y w = selection.bounds.width h = selection.bounds.height end local map = {} for y = (yi / grid_size.height) - (cel.bounds.y / grid_size.height) , (yi / grid_size.height) - (cel.bounds.y / grid_size.height) + (h / grid_size.height)-1 do local line = {} for x = (xi / grid_size.width) - (cel.bounds.x / grid_size.width), (xi / grid_size.width) - (cel.bounds.x / grid_size.width) + (w / grid_size.width)-1 do local value = image:getPixel(x, y) if value == 0xffffffff then value = 0 end table.insert(line, value) end table.insert(map, line) end return map end local function save_to_file(name, contents) --TODO: FIX IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SAVE TO FILE FUNTION TO INCLUDE DESIRED FOLDER local file = io.open(name,"w") file:write(contents) file:close() end local function parse_input() tile_name = dlg_data.tilename map_name = dlg_data.mapname if (dlg_data.filepath ~= "") then filepath = dlg_data.filepath folder = string.find(filepath,"[^/]+$") -1 filepath = string.sub(filepath,1,folder) print(filepath) end do_set = dlg_data.checkTileset do_map = dlg_data.checkTilemap file_format = dlg_data.fileformat tile_offset = tonumber(dlg_data.tile_offset) -- print(exp_tileset) -- print(exp_tilemap) end local function export_c(tab,map) local c_file = "" local h_file = "" c_file = c_file.. "// GENERATED USING ASEPRITE GB EXPORTER BY GABRIEL REIS// \n \n \n" -- header i suppose h_file = c_file if do_map then h_file = h_file.. "#define "..map_name.."_width "..tostring(#map[1]).."\n" h_file = h_file.. "#define "..map_name.."_height "..tostring(#map).."\n" end if do_set then --CHECKS IF TILESET IS TO BE EXPORTED c_file = c_file.. "const unsigned char " .. tile_name .. "[] = {\n" h_file = h_file .. "\n#define ".. tile_name.."_size "..tostring(#tab).."\n\n\n" h_file = h_file.. "extern const unsigned char ".. tile_name .."[]; \n\n" for i, tileset in ipairs(tab) do -- TILESET IN TILESETS for j, tiles in ipairs(tileset) do -- TILES IN TILESET c_file = c_file .. tiles end end c_file = c_file .. "}; \n \n \n" h_file = h_file .. "\n \n \n" end if do_map then -- CHECKS IF MAP IS TO BE EXPORTED c_file = c_file .. "const unsigned char " .. map_name .. "[] = {\n" .. map .. "};" h_file = h_file .. "extern const unsigned char " .. map_name .. "[];" end return c_file, h_file end local function export_asm(tab,map) local out_contents = "" out_contents= out_contents.. "\t; original export script by gabriel reis, modified by shoofle\n \n \n" -- header i suppose if do_set then --CHECKS IF TILESET IS TO BE EXPORTED out_contents = out_contents.. tile_name .. ":\n" for j, hexes in ipairs(tab) do -- TILES IN TILESET local hexen = {} for x, h in ipairs(hexes) do table.insert(hexen, "$" .. h) end out_contents = out_contents .. "\tdb " .. table.concat(hexen, ",") .. "\n" end out_contents = out_contents .. tile_name .. "End:\n" out_contents = out_contents .. "\n" end if do_map then -- CHECKS IF MAP IS TO BE EXPORTED out_contents = out_contents .. map_name .. ": ; tiles start at " .. tile_offset .. "\n" for i, line in ipairs(map) do local linen = {} for x, mark in ipairs(line) do table.insert(linen, string.format("$%02x", mark+tile_offset)) end out_contents = out_contents .. "\tdb " .. table.concat(linen, ", ") .. "\n" end out_contents = out_contents .. map_name .. "End:\n" end return out_contents end local function do_code() local tiles = generate_tileset(layer.tileset) -- GENERATES TILESET local map = generate_tilemap() -- GENERATES TILEMAP local file_name = filepath .. tile_name if string.find(sprt.filename, ".aseprite$") ~= nil then file_name = string.gsub(sprt.filename, ".aseprite$", "") end if (file_format == "C") then local c_file, h_file = export_c(tiles, map) save_to_file(file_name ..".c", c_file) save_to_file(file_name..".h", h_file) print(h_file.."\n") print(c_file) end if (file_format == "ASM") then local asm_file = export_asm(tiles, map) save_to_file(file_name..".asm", asm_file) end end --CODE EXECUTION-- if dlg_data.confirm then parse_input() do_code() --CODE GOES IN THERE TO STOP EXECUTION IF USER DIDN'T CLICK IN OK end if dlg_data.cancel then return end