function title_update() if btnp(4) or btnp(5) then change_screen(screen_conversation({ {ph_p, "hi! i'm phoebe! welcome to pilton!"}, {ph_p, "this is a small town known for our fireworks festival."}, {ph_p, "or we would be. my grandfather, the town's best alchemist, died suddenly and"}, {ph_p, "hadn't taught me about fireworks. my mother took up adventuring"}, {ph_p, "instead of alchemy, so now there's no one to carry on the tradition."}, {ph_p, "the town's pretty broken up about it but i'm doing my best to carry on."}, {ph_p, "but i only know the basics of picking herbs and purifying water."}, }, function() change_screen(screen_workbench) end, {update=walkaround_update, draw=walkaround_draw})) end end r1, r2 = 0,0 function title_draw() cls() local big = "\^t\^w" local t = "atelier phoebe" local co = 0 local x = 10 for i=1,#t do local c = sub(t, i, i) col = 9 if (time()*2 + x/128) % 8 < 0.25 then col = 10 end x = print(big .. c, x, 30 + sin(x/128+time()/4)*2, col) end print("VERSION 1.17", 64-(5*4), 80) print("press 🅾️ or ❎ to start", 64-(11*4), 90) end screen_title = {update=title_update, draw=title_draw}