inventory_drawer_height=0 inventory_drawer_height_max=106 inventory_cursor = { x=0, y=0, } function inventory_before() inventory_cursor.x = 0 inventory_cursor.y = 0 end function inventory_slide(x1, x2) return { timer = 0, active=true, before=function(s) inventory_drawer_height = x1 end, update=function(s) inventory_drawer_height = x1 + (s.timer/0.2)*(x2-x1) if s.timer > 0.2 then inventory_drawer_height = x2 end end, draw=function(s) draw_drawer() draw_item_sheet() end, } end function inventory_update() cx, cy = inventory_cursor.x, inventory_cursor.y if btnp(0) then cx -= 1 end if btnp(1) then cx += 1 end if btnp(2) then cy -= 1 end if btnp(3) then cy += 1 end if cy >= 0 and cy < flr(#inventory/5) and cx >= 0 and cx < 5 then inventory_cursor.x = cx inventory_cursor.y = cy elseif cy == flr(#inventory / 5) and cx >= 0 and cx < #inventory % 5 then inventory_cursor.x = cx inventory_cursor.y = cy elseif btnp(3) then animate(inventory_slide(inventory_drawer_height_max,0)) change_screen(screen_workbench) end if btnp(5) then animate(inventory_slide(inventory_drawer_height_max,0)) change_screen(screen_workbench) end end function inventory_draw() bench_draw() draw_drawer() draw_item_sheet() end function draw_drawer() rectfill(14, 0, 114, inventory_drawer_height, 4) for y=0,(inventory_drawer_height_max / 8) do yval = y*8 + inventory_drawer_height - inventory_drawer_height_max line(10, yval, 110, yval, 5) for x=1,(4 - (y%2)) do xval = x*32 + (y%2)*16 line(xval, yval, xval, yval+8, 5) end spr(20, 10, yval) spr(20, 110, yval) end rectfill(6, inventory_drawer_height, 120, inventory_drawer_height+7, 4) line(6, inventory_drawer_height, 120, inventory_drawer_height, 9) line(6, inventory_drawer_height+7, 120, inventory_drawer_height+7, 9) spr(21, 2, inventory_drawer_height) spr(21, 118, inventory_drawer_height, 1, 1, true, false) spr(22, 60, inventory_drawer_height+8) draw_drawer_contents() end function draw_drawer_contents() for i, val in ipairs(inventory) do x, y = 20+20*((i-1)%5), 10+20*flr((i-1)/5) + inventory_drawer_height - inventory_drawer_height_max if inventory_cursor.x + 5*inventory_cursor.y == i-1 then rect(x-2,y-2,x+9,y+9, 10) end sprite = val.sprite if sprite == nil then sprite = 36 end if val.sprite_recolor ~= nil then pal(val.sprite_recolor) end spr(sprite, x, y) pal() end end function draw_item_sheet() local item = inventory[1 + 5*inventory_cursor.y + inventory_cursor.x] if item ~= nil then draw_paper(35,94, 128-2*35,28) draw_ingredient_listing(item, 35, 94) end end screen_inventory_raw = {before=inventory_before, draw=inventory_draw, update=inventory_update} screen_inventory = screen_conversation({ {ph_p, [[oh right, this is the drawer where i keep my stuff!]]},}, function() screen_inventory = screen_inventory_raw change_screen(screen_inventory) end, screen_inventory_raw)