i am going back and doing old advents of code
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import java.io.File
import kotlin.math.min
data class Coordinate ( val x: Int, val y: Int )
fun main() {
var y = 0
var x = 0
var start = Coordinate(0,0)
var end = Coordinate(0,0)
val grid: HashMap<Coordinate, Char> = hashMapOf()
for (line in File("b.input").readLines()) {
x = 0
line.chars().forEach {
val c = when(Char(it)) {
'S' -> { start = Coordinate(x,y); 'a' }
'E' -> { end = Coordinate(x,y); 'z' }
else -> Char(it)
grid.put(Coordinate(x,y), c)
println("start point is $start, end point is $end")
val neighbors: Map<Coordinate, Set<Coordinate>> =
grid.keys.map {s ->
neighbors(s).filter {e ->
grid.containsKey(e) && close(grid.get(s)!!, grid.get(e)!!)
val distances: MutableMap<Coordinate, Int> = mutableMapOf(start to 0)
var nodesToVisit: MutableSet<Coordinate> = mutableSetOf(start)
val visited: MutableSet<Coordinate> = mutableSetOf()
while (nodesToVisit.isNotEmpty()) {
for (currentNode in nodesToVisit.toMutableSet()) {
println("visiting $currentNode and examining itss neighbors, ${neighbors[currentNode]}")
for (neighbor in neighbors[currentNode]!!) {
distances.put(neighbor, min(
distances[neighbor] ?: Int.MAX_VALUE,
(distances[currentNode] ?: (Int.MAX_VALUE - 100)) + 1
if (!(neighbor in visited)) {
println("distance from S to end point is ${distances[end]}")
var minimum = Int.MAX_VALUE
for (startPoint in grid.keys.filter {grid[it] == 'a'}) {
val distances: MutableMap<Coordinate, Int> = mutableMapOf(startPoint to 0)
var nodesToVisit: MutableSet<Coordinate> = mutableSetOf(startPoint)
val visited: MutableSet<Coordinate> = mutableSetOf()
while (nodesToVisit.isNotEmpty()) {
for (currentNode in nodesToVisit.toMutableSet()) {
//println("visiting $currentNode and examining itss neighbors, ${neighbors[currentNode]}")
for (neighbor in neighbors[currentNode]!!) {
neighbor, min(
distances[neighbor] ?: Int.MAX_VALUE,
(distances[currentNode] ?: (Int.MAX_VALUE - 100)) + 1
if (!(neighbor in visited)) {
minimum = min(distances[end]?: Int.MAX_VALUE, minimum)
println("smallest distance across any starting point was $minimum")
fun neighbors(r: Coordinate): Set<Coordinate>{
val left = Coordinate(r.x-1, r.y)
val right = Coordinate(r.x+1, r.y)
val up = Coordinate(r.x, r.y-1)
val down = Coordinate(r.x, r.y+1)
return setOf(left, right, up, down)
fun close(a: Char, b: Char): Boolean {
return b <= a.inc()