day 10 finally

This commit is contained in:
Shoofle 2023-12-16 18:41:39 -05:00
parent 5ed8eb6433
commit b2cabd079b

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@ -1,3 +1,71 @@
fun main() { import Instruction.Type.*
println("Hello World!") import
const val limit = 300;
data class Instruction(val type: Type, val value: Int) {
enum class Type {
fun main() {
val instructions = MutableList<Instruction>(0) { Instruction(NOOP, 0) };
val cyclesOfInterest = setOf(20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220)
for (line in File("c.input").readLines()) {
if (line.isEmpty()) continue;
val s = line.split(" ");
if (s[0] == "noop") {
instructions.add(Instruction(NOOP, 0));
if (s[0] == "addx") {
instructions.add(Instruction(ADDX, s[1].toInt()));
for (i in instructions) {
var signalSum = 0;
var cycle = 0;
var pc = 0;
var x = 1;
var command = instructions[cycle];
var currentTimer = 0;
while (cycle < limit) {
// At the start of the first cycle, the noop instruction begins execution.
if (cycle % 40 == 0) print("\n")
if (currentTimer == 0) {
command = instructions[pc % instructions.count()]
when (command.type) {
NOOP -> currentTimer = 1
ADDX -> currentTimer = 2
// During the first cycle, X is 1.
val spriteLocations = setOf(x-1, x, x+1)
if (cycle % 40 in spriteLocations) print("#")
else print(".")
//println("during cycle ${cycle+1}, we're executing $command the register is $x")
signalSum += (cycle+1) * x
// After the first cycle, the noop instruction finishes execution, doing nothing.
currentTimer -= 1
if (currentTimer == 0) {
// if the timer is at zero, we execute the existing command.
when (command.type) {
NOOP -> {}
ADDX -> x += command.value
cycle += 1
println("after all is said and done,, the sum is $signalSum")
} }